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Everything posted by Millerzconstruction

  1. Mr Clean magic eraser extra strength. Wire brush that goes on a drill,steel wool, sand paper, polishing compounds baking soda, vinagar, and wax or wd40 to control rusting. Millerz
  2. Mr. Clean magic eraser ,extera strength. Good stuffMillerz
  3. Gotta go do the other end tommrow. And glue and clamp it all again. If they would of told me they wanted them on to begin with, I could have glued them both at the same time then hung them. Millerz
  4. They bought cheep cabinets and wanted the ends caped with thin panneling that you can buy to glue on the ends. So they don't look as cheep. Took that many clamps to get the panneling to lay flat every where. Any body who works with that stuff knows how bowed the thin strips of panneling are. I needed a couple hundred clamps to of done both ends at the same time. Lol. As you can see I ran out of enuf clamps to do both ends. Lol Millerz
  5. Wow. That is crazy. What happens if Canada has a forest fire? Are they going to fine to forest too? Buring wood has to be better than any oil supplying from digging it to burning it. And anything is better than using electricity. Are the Canadians going to revolte against this? Millerz
  6. I thought I was the only person on earth that would keep one of them. When they come free. Lol. I started an older model bobcat with it one day when it was in the way at the jobsite. And forgot the key. Millerz
  7. I keep one of those door lock rekey tools on my truck key chain. LolMillerz
  8. Installed some new cabinets an put new cut offs for supply lines. New medicine cabinet. Not hard to do or a lot of work. But it brings home the bacon. Lol Millerz
  9. I'll get one after they get to be old news and lower the price. Or go on a good sale. I'm a little bit tight on money. Millerz
  10. The patch on that ridged bag was a good idea. Fits it well too. Good idea man. Millerz
  11. I want a black on now. Almost all of my good shirts are black. But have Harley Davidson on them. Need a TIA shirt to mix it up. Lol Millerz
  12. Just got my shirt I won on periscope! Going to wear it with pride!
  13. They been out for a long time now. Over 10 years. I've had mine 6 years or so now. I got a real good deal in it. That's the only reason I bought it. I think I payed 175 with tax. Millerz
  14. I have the battery version of this. The batterys are not much good though. If you get one go ahead and get the cheaper corded one. Millerz
  15. When someone tells me to take off a cunt hair. I always ask is that a red cunt hair or a blonde one. Lol Millerz
  16. Where do you live man? Just wondering if mine mite be here soon. I'm in NC. Very cool man. Thanks for the pic and info bud. Millerz
  17. Wish I had the money to buy another set of these. Just to have another on back up if others messed up. Good eye Millerz
  18. Good to meet ya Tommy. We had around 10 to 12 inches here in the mountains of NC. And not 35 miles from my home they had recored snow falls in Mnt Mitchell NC. 66 inches in one day. And 44 inches in less than a hour. Millerz
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