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comp56 last won the day on December 20 2023

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    Decapoli Family sotto capo (underboss) <don't say nottin

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  1. I guess that is better than any battery doesn't turn it on......but ya warranty for sure
  2. bought a road bike, almost the same cost as a small car.....
  3. I have been on the home automation train for the past few months and have converted my entire home with switches and outlets to wifi and or voice activated ect ect so here is my last convertion (Hack) made my 32" Samsung computer monitor to be a wireless charging base for my cell phone. https://youtu.be/LxD81vvAmYE
  4. my wife mends my socks, what the tarnation is going on these days? how else you think I can afford all these tools?...lol
  5. from my experience with Milwaukee batteries they are smart enough to not worry about charging habits like you had to worry prior to this style. I have batteries that have sat for long periods of time and others that have been sitting on a charger for weeks with no difference in performance or logivity.
  6. just sayin, if you live near a border in Canada the M18 12.0ah batteries are $199 CND that with exchange ($152USD) is way cheaper than the price in USA right now
  7. I would suggest have the person upload a picture of unit with your username on a piece of paper in the pic before i would consider sending any money to anyone or anywhere.....
  8. as a matter of fact your right, I have the 12.0ah battery for this bad boy or my fuel grinder just thought it would look sexy sportin the big boy battery
  9. I know its not a 7 1/4" but it has served me well with everything I've had to cut
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