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Posts posted by wayneburgess

  1. Great video Wayne. The coolpacks look like the real deal. Can we anticipate more to come from Neil and Wayne? Perhaps you could drag Neil over to the forum?

    If we get a few likes on you tube then the tool companies will start to take notice and it will be easier to do a like for like series of tests and have a bit of fun across the pond with more video that hands back and forth between us  :)

  2. I dunno from watching Top Gear the Health and Safety people would freak out on the things that go on at most american job sites that are osha approved. When they resurfaced that one road on the show they had backup cameras and a guy both making sure people were safe. If wayne can correct me if i'm wrong but paslode has the Im90 which isn't even sold here paslode has a few tools they don't sell in the usa anymore for some reason like the positive placement nailer which would be huge with all the brackets and tie's you need to install on roofs even more so down in the tornado and hurricane prone area's.

    I am not a big fan of Paslode.

    I have the two Hitachi gas powered nail guns but Ilike the new Dewalt battery nailers they look cool.   :)

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