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I hate apple and their priceing on storage


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I am also an Apple user/fan. I have an iPhone 5S and love it. Saves me money on having to buy new iPods. Last iPod was 5 months old when my wife accidentally put it in the laundry and ruined it. Previous phone was a Samsung Galaxy S3 and never liked Android. I also have an Android Samsung tablet and wife has an Galaxy S4. I just never got into it. Things on my Apple products just work. My Apple Airport Extreme has never once failed. My Macbook is great quality. I use Mac for work and what is great for me is that with it being Unix, I can run certain terminal features/programs that simply are a nightmare on Windows and when it is your career, every little helps and saves time and money. So Mac all the way. Along with Linux for Pen Testing/security.

I have some home computers running Windows 8 and 10. I totally hate it.


Would agree with all the posting on the cost of these phones. A damn rip off. My iPhone in the UK is currently £469. Apple makes a huge profit on these. I recently watched the Steve Jobs documentary and they stated Apple make over $300 profit!! per phone.

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Yes there are loads of free apps on iOS. Having developed for the iOS platform I can say that one of the reasons why most developers will charge is that Apple make us pay $99 to submit our apps. Then it goes through Apple testing. Android was always free to submit to.


For using Macs in the workplace and knowing they will get pretty beat up on site, I simple save hundreds and buy them used. Right now buying a 2010 Macbook for work. The networking tools I use don't need the latest and greatest architecture so no point spending 2 grand when I can spend $400 to get the same results.

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Its been a long time known that MACS are for business and Windows is for the home. When I was in school we had all MACS, and as long as you ran the occasional norton disk doctor program on them, they ran smoothly. But everyone knew that if you wanted to be a computer gamer, you needed Windows, and it took a very long time before Apple got their crap straight till their OS was made compatible enough for gaming. The problem now is just that MACS are too expensive still, nobody has 3 grand to just dump into the cost of a unit. Windows computer's are cheaper, most notably in notebooks, and android phones and tablets are cheaper too.

I like the Android operating system, I think its very easy to use. Touchscreen controls are very responsive, I rarely have an app crash. Games are fun to play on the Android OS, and unlike apple, Android has a huge app base off of google play. Literally almost any app you can think of, they got for you to download. Most apps are free too unlike standard computer software, some you have to pay for yes, but my experience is most of it is free. Are there very many apps you can download free to use on Apple?

I just wanted to say I wasn't singling out your comment about the $100 android phone because I thought you were a jerk, just the opposite in fact because you actually gave thought to factory conditions half way around the globe. It's just that it's a super complicated problem and to single out Apple might not be exactly fair when they do seem to be at least interested in the problem. I'm not saying they're perfect on the issue either.

For full disclosure I do have iPhones, iPads and a Mac Pro, the little black paint can one with a Xeon hex core and dual 6GB GPU's, so I like Apple but I can see their products aren't for everyone. Macs today are way more consumer oriented but many tech people love MacBooks because they are so well made. My brother works for Google and he's all Mac and most Googlers I've met use MacBooks or MBP's. Most people don't even realize that Google and Apple used to be really tight and to this day Google still gets employee discounts on Mac's throught the Apple Store. I got a discount on my Mac Pro through my bro and saved enough money to get the blazing fast 1TB SSD in my mini tower included, I think it's 1.25GB/s fast - there are faster now but this was a year and half ago.

Apple's touch screen tech is usually top notch. I think gaming is actually bigger on iOS than android currently and the new AppleTV might actually eat away at the console business for casual gaming. You'll never replace a dedicated console for high end graphics but the new SoC in the iPad Pro shows Apple is hell bent on making their chips dominant in GPU power and they've had an astonishing last few years the way they've increased the performance and still kept these mobile chips' power budget low. The Apple store is more lucrative for Devs to make money but I still think free apps outnumber paid ones and the Google store and Apple App Store both have like 1.5million + apps each so you could download apps constantly and delete them all day and night and still not even dent the library. What Apple products have going for them is even though they tend to be more expensive they do hold their resale value better than most so you end up selling them instead of throwing them away or locking them away in a drawer somewhere.

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