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Marcv76 last won the day on July 11 2022

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    All Festools

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    Huntington Beach CA
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    Firefighter/Paramedic/Apparatus Engineer

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  1. Anyone have any intel on when the Tstak 2.0 will be released in NA? Also I see that they discontinued the Tstak radio, are they going to release a 2.0 model to go with the new boxes?
  2. I just picked up the new Sawstop Compact saw. It's about the size of the Dewalt and has a rack and pinion fence. I had a Sawstop Jobsite Pro which was a great saw but I got tired of putting it in and out of my truck when I worked on projects outside my home. This saw is everything I needed in a saw. It has enough power for the the things I build and it's much smaller and easier to move, and also has the skin sensing technology. I mounted it to the Dewalt tables saw stand and it can easily be removed and put into the back of my truck. It also is small enough that when it folded up can go under a sink worktop in my garage to keep the garage clear and clean. Just wanted to show some pictures if anyone else is considering it.
  3. Thanks for the updates. Its about time. Im very interested in the m18 power unit coming out also.
  4. here is another link with more pictures. https://toolguyd.com/sawstop-compact-table-saw-cts-120a60/
  5. Seeing how Festool owns Sawstop I thought this would be the appropriate place to put this. Today some vendors accidentally put out the announcement about a new compact tablesaw, similar to the size of the Dewalt. This is exactly what I have wanted. I have the Sawstop Jobsite saw but i find it a hassle to get it in and out of my truck due to the size. This is perfect for moving around and storing. One of the vendors informed me that it will be out around October. It also has a rack and pinion fence.
  6. Where is the Milwaukee Track saw? Seeing how Ryobi has one now its almost comical how Milwaukee has absolutely dropped the ball on this release. I wouldn't think there would be much R&D needed on a saw that has a groove and rides on a metal track that every other major manufacture has already made. I just want to be able to have all the tools I need on one battery platform.
  7. I got this in my email this morning. This is a interesting system I didn't see coming. Finally cordless vacuums are getting closer to corded.
  8. I actually think the price is reasonable considering that it can be used both corded and cordless. Hopefully it is fairly quiet. Looks like it will start shipping in June according to Acme Tools.
  9. I accidentally stumbled upon this today. Doesn't look like it out yet and ToolNut is the only site i see it on. https://www.toolnut.com/metabo-hpt-ec36daq4m-multivolt-36v-2-gallon-cordless-air-compressor-tool-only.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&gclid=Cj0KCQiA0eOPBhCGARIsAFIwTs5W5fr_z5RYG5FDqewMcg7MxeVOhz9k_dBjMfBjPyd-vDsNXuzW420aApxBEALw_wcB
  10. The photo is not correct but the description states this is a new plunge saw that will be released soon. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Milwaukee-M18-FUEL-18-Volt-Lithium-Ion-Cordless-Brushless-6-1-2-in-Plunge-Cut-Track-Saw-Tool-Only-2831-20/315442335
  11. I accidentally stumbled upon this find on amazon. Its a cordless air compressor with a 5 liter (1.32 gallon) tank. it can run on AC as well as a makita battery. It also comes with 2 adapters to allow it to run on a milwaukee and dewalt battery. Obviously its a knockoff of some sort coming out of a chinese factory but it is appealing. It would be a risk due to being near impossible to get something repaired if it turned out to be a lemon. https://www.amazon.com/TC·BL-Compressor-Dual-purpose-Compatible-Heavy-duty/dp/B089D576B3/ref=asc_df_B089D576B3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459587573990&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13035904942155547808&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031561&hvtargid=pla-957842415762&psc=1
  12. New 18v Makita blower. The specs put it a little less powerful than their 36v but pretty close. Makita seems to be getting better at utilizing every bit of energy from their single 18v batteries while maintaining a small size. https://www.makitatools.com/products/details/XBU03Z
  13. Well the DLS714 appears to have a greater crosscut than the LS610. I have the DLS714 and i am still amazed by its power. I have cut through 2" thick walnut slabs with it like they were butter. You can use 7 1/4 blades on it instead of the 7 1/2 for the variety and how cheap they are. You lose a little depth but obviously not much.
  14. I don't have any info other than this picture i found on a Japanese website but this does look promising.
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