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Posts posted by MikeyB

  1. I don't need another cordless saw but I still want one of those just to try it out.

    Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

    Kruton, that saw is a Tiger, I don't need another circular either, but I'm dying to get that Makita brushless cordless... Lol
  2. If your ever on a tight budget and need some impact sockets there impact sockets hold up very well for a very good price my co worker here at the shop has them and they've lasted about almost 2yrs now and try get used pretty much everyday, oh also there floor jacks are very nice especially the aluminum rapid pump jack we use those every single day to tie down and take off cars on the frame rack. Other then that everything else is bluh...

    Your right about the Impact Sockets Big Mike (Pittsburgh Brand I think?) a Steamfitter I know used them replacing steam expansion joints on one of our jobs and he loved them.

  3. That's a great saw and a great deal. They have had a couple on the clearance rack at my Depot for $180.00 for a couple of months now. When I get back there if that saw is 115 dollars I'm buying another one and selling it to my brother for 200... Lol

    • Like 1
  4. Trying to locate the "New tool Registration" on Milwaukees website, can't seem to find it? Picked up about 4 new M12 tools in the last couple of months and want to get them registered.

    Appreciate any help guys,

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  5. Sorry guys, I wasn't able to post apic, but if you go to the home page then go to the power tool section click on the bottom for the Milwaukee page and scroll through till you see it..

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    Home Depot got the Milwaukee Back Packs for 59:00 normally 99.00..

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