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New 36v Shop vac


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Looks very promising. :) 


ANd yeah, that switch looks sooo much better than that crappy akward thingy on the back of my existing VAC. 

Nice detail that it got the possibility to lock the wheels. Not a huge advantage, but still, there a a few times where it could come in handy. :) 


Also, seemed pretty quiet, but thats hard to judge from a video.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmmm.. I'm no expert here, but this numbers seems a bit odd. Given the runtime and capacity you could make an estimate on the power of the motor. 180 Wh (stipulated), and 30 min runime would at least be in the 300W range.

And for what I can calculate, it seems like it is a bit more efficient (power vs output power) on AC. (350W/1050W = 30 %) DC power didn't come up as as very efficient at all. And AC motors rarely is very efficient.

So I guess brushless motor is out of the calculation. Perhaps they just run a universal motor made for 110V on lower voltage (36V). That would make it very cheap to make, and also explain those low efficiency numbers.

I have no idea if 70W suction power is enough for smaler stuff, but would at least hope Makita will go the distance.

But I might be dead wrong here guys. But I hope at least to see a DC to DC converter (36V to 115V) on an universal motor or some sort. Or the best option (and most expensive by far), an integratet AC/DC converter, and a brushless 36V DC motor.

You don't want to loose any joules, or have any lower efficiency when running on battery power.

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