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Posts posted by NicholasShetley

  1. You would only need two in my opinion. The impact driver and wrench would, which one you would use depends on what you will use it for, the impact driver for screwdriving and light nut and bolt use. The impact wrench will have more power for nuts and bolts but if you would use it for screwdriving then you would need an adaptor and that would make the tool bigger. It all depends on what you will need them for. As for the drill and screwdriver I would get the drill unless the size of the screwdriver is important.

  2. We have the brakes ready now, the front end is painted and ready to go except we need new bearing races for the wheel bearings. The interior guy has started on the interior, so far he has the door panels and headliner done. We should have the emergency brake ready by tomorrow, we need it to get the truck registered for the NSRA.

  3. This one was as close to burning as one could get. The exhaust manifold wan cherry red and then it blew spewing oil everywhere. My uncle thought he was going to have to watch it burn. The front fenders have holes rusted in them big enough to fit your arm into. The rocker panels are gone. The truck used to belong to a local drilling company and it spent most of its life behind the drill rig going to Arkansas back and forth. It has been behind the rig so much that the chrome is gone off of the bumper.

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