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Everything posted by madman_us

  1. my adapter is from milwaukee i believe and i bought it from HD
  2. a friend prolly told him "use your head to figure out the best way to get 2 plywood pieces" - and he just understood it wrong
  3. check out this review, just popped up
  4. i have a right angle adapter for my drill. works like a charm and i dont have to invest into a new tool
  5. yeah right but then i would have dropped the other 10 items stacked up on my hands
  6. i would be more friendly to him if he would have ask me if he can ask questions about solar project. then i would have said straight no - but he came out of nowhere and started talking while standing behind me while i was actually doing something - that drove me nuts
  7. madman_us


    ya i seen that kit too - i think it was at lowes. a similar deal will come up soon
  8. i didnt get towards that - he sneaked on me lol
  9. madman_us


    ya BK u r right man
  10. i really like the mini cv06 (clearvue).
  11. they challenge, i would give it a try but i got to much **** going on atm. but good luck to everyone who enters the challenge
  12. went tonight to homedepot to pick up some electrical stuff. my hands were completely full with electrical boxes, light switches, spade bit extension and i was still looking for a different light switch. all the sudden someone start talk in the back of me about solar panels, then he walked around me and was standing right next to me. i know he was talking to me because i was the only fu**cking guy in the whole HD i felt like. i keep starring at the light switches to figure out which one i wanted to buy and that guy talks since 5mins non stop about their program. during that time i didnt make any eye contact at all with him. then he asked me, if i know what kinda roof i have. i told him it doesnt matter what kinda roof i have, i know that you can install solar panels on it. he kept going and was telling me fu** about different roof types like cement shingles bla bla. by that time i found the right light switch - man those 4-way switches are pricy; 14 bucks a piece. so and his last question was; are you interested in our solar panels. then i asked him just one important question - while leasing your solar panels who gets the 30% federal tax credit. he started to stutter and i think i understood, we do - :D i appreciated his answer and for fu**ing waste my shopping time. then i just walked away. man that made my day with those annoying solarcity people bugging every customer in homedepot
  13. i saw regopit's video yesterday on MTV's ridiculousness
  14. grats for you guys. cant wait what it is chris
  15. what you wanna do with it? belt sander take off lots of material in a short time, really have to watch out while using it
  16. madman_us


    ill go in the bosch 12v line when they are brushless
  17. wow 200 is not bad at all - even 400 cfm is pretty good tho
  18. if i were you i would rather go the 20v line since you already have a bunch of batteries. 40v would be a complete new line for ya right?
  19. great driver - looks pretty good
  20. already saving up the money for the blower the other stuff it not important to me....like a lawnmower in the desert the 36V 6Ah battery is really expensive and the mower needs 2 of those wow
  21. madman_us


    yeah i can see you got lots of m12 tools thats a great idea to do it; i might copy that haha
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