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Posts posted by comp56

  1. not only did the guy have an anger problem looks as if he has a drinking problem as well....who the hell cares if ya smash up a dead drill and battery set you wanna impress me go buy a new one and rip into it with your big ol hammer........then you would show Ridgid who's boss.....lol

  2. lol don't get me started.....this guy's wife said "honey I want bigger boobs."......the guy says "hmmm...why don't you rub toilet paper between them"... she says "what the heck is that gonna do?" he says...."I don't know, it worked on your ass"

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  3. is it just me or combo's like this always come with a drill, I think I would rather have 1 drill and multiple impacts.....or better yet give the option of 2 different tools as a kit....

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  4. back in the day the Snap on truck would roll in every 2nd friday a group of guys would rush outside and bitch every time they came back in......I never bought to much snap on tools not because they were not good but because I seen so many having a hard time with service or warranty....may not have been with everyone's travelling sales rep but you would get things like ....umm we have to send it away to see why it broke I will get back to you in a few weeks to let you know.......????? ok so what do I do in the mean time.......oh ya go buy something else......so in saying that good luck........

  5. @frankie, awesome dogs my sister had 2 dobs as well Denny and nash.....

    @ chad, ya I hate when that happens, Chevy has out lasted 2 other dogs lucky was 7 yrs old and ended up going paralyzed poor thing....we couldn't do anything 

    there she is trying to get on chevy's office chair.....

    and then Dolby a german shepherd got sick real young still don't know from what.......


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  6. this is a pub talk topic, let's see your pets.....I know this really has nothing to do with tools but we have a dog that literally goes everywhere with me....... in my office I actually have 2 office chairs and you guessed it one is hers....she sits in her own office chair as long as I'm in the office.........

    same with the shop yup she has her own chair there too......

    I introduce Chevy she is turning 16 years old this June and has been by my side one way or another since she was 8 1/2 weeks old......



  7. It don't matter if you are building a bird house or a family home or a bicycle wheel or a motorcycle, the industrial industry is either making things or repairing thing and since 1784 or thereabouts when James Watt came up with the steam engine we have advanced, you can thank Alan Pritsker around 1960 for simulation modeling, the beginning of kinda what this 3D printing is... is it for everyone? no but neither is a CNC router. Tools like this are not altogether new they are just being introduced to the general public......look at something we take for granted a computer or smart phone for example,......can you imagine the tooling it takes to make them but yet all we do is run down to the nearest retailer and demand a bigger better faster one .........this tool is not intended for altogether end results it is intended to produce items before the item you would use....hey maybe in 30 years we will be able to go to wal-mart and for $69 buy a T-675 alucorp producer and make our own toasters by a push of a button......at this point 90% of us would naturally think of this tool as a novelty buy it for a grand play with it for a few weeks, let everyone and their dog try it and then let it sit........but there are 10% out there that will make use of it no different than we make use of our impact driver each day or mitre saws........

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