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Posts posted by comp56

  1. so I'm not the smartest guy on the block, but I do know that you might be able to save money on electricity with LED lights all around the house......our house is just under 2100sq with 5 bedrooms finished basement and roughly 65 light sockets, yes you read that right 65 they are everywhere.........now I have replaced every bulb with new 11W led lights no more 60W and 100W even so the old saying ya got every light in the house on is drawing a lot less power than before way less but my bill doesn't seem to show this. I know for the past while our Ontario gov. has put smart meters in so you pay more for peak times versus off peak times but still, do laundry after 7pm instead of 2 in the afternoon.......in winter months its dark around 5-6pm and peak runs until 7pm so lights are going to cost more I'm beginning to wonder if it is worth it......they had a $5 off coupon any LED light so I got each one for around $3 instead of $8 you add that up it is still around $200+ with tax guess I'm gonna save that over 15 years or so.....

  2. Nice job with that. What kind of finish did you use? How many coats? Did you sand in between coats? I'm just full of question aren't I. Shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee. 

    the ped started with a lot of surface scratches mainly from wear on the feet especially, so I aggressively sanded the entire base with 400gt wet gave it a coat of minwax oil modified, let dry for 20 minutes and then gave it another sanding but this time with 000 steel wool, and then another coat of clear I applied the clear with a foam brush......

  3. just wanted to show you that you can still do things with 35 year old tools......lol I just can't build anything without countersinking any screws......this is my go to accessory.......double carbide depth adjustable with center pin drill bit......

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    ever since I was a young boy I have been fascinated by tools of some sort, all thru growing up I had some kind of reason to have and use tools...

    whether it be work on a bicycle or take apart grampa's old radio just to see how it works.....

    early in my career I would work on cars, boat motors and even lawn mowers, always something.

    weld a bracket on a trailer or even build a trailer from the axles up...

    my group of friends had a big impact on what tools I ended up with, buddy would buy a xxx tool and I would see how easy things were with said tool and boy do I got to have one of those....

    over the years I have acumulated my different tools for wood working, mechanical jobs right down to concrete...

    do I have more tools than some of my buddies sure are some of my tools overkill for a back yard shop to some? absolutely but I also like taking pride in stuff I do and not that good tools guarantee good work it sure helps if you know how to use them. I know in many cases a good designed tool can speed things up or make better looking functioning results.

    I know I'm not buying tools like excerise equipment, spend $800 and use it 4 times if I pay for a tool most likely I use it on a regular basis.

    I know doctors and lawyers that walk around in suits all day and then on weekends they are knees deep in their tools in the back yard. well I'm not the suit type but I share the same passion......

    on the other side of the coin there are people that need tools for their job, many tools in fact but do they have these tools because they need them or because they just want them......time is money for anyone and obviously some tools help no different for the back yard guy doing a project for someone. 

    so in saying all that Am I a tool nut? 

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