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Posts posted by JimboS1ice

  1. why would this need to even be an argument? the only thing I would be concerned with is that if I bought genuine batteries that they are in fact genuine batteries....who cares what others think especially if they are willing to argue over it.....

    Ya to each your own, just don't put junk packs on my tools oh wait good luck touching my tools ha ha

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  2. In the video it seemed like the lights didn't dim early enough. It's just a video. It might be different in the real world. Seems like a handy feature.

    Cameras don't always capture light and change of light very well, there's science in there I can't really explain that great but the reaction of the camera doesn't do a justice to what we see with our eyes, not saying the BMW lights are perfect but until you actually see it it's hard to judge fairly

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  3. I like mode 1 on my 887 but I am in the minority. Its flaws are not enough for me to say its a bad mode. It has its place and has room to improve except it may not be for the average guy.

    Precision is a great mode to have but the delay is unnecessary, you could have still kept the sequence the same but cut the delay out

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  4. My impact might have been used like a hammer on SEVERAL occasions....

    Much easier than climbing back down the ladder to grab a hammer when you already got the impact in your hand, I mean it's only wood your hammering in place lol

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  5. I take care of my tools, now I don't always take the extra step to wipe them off or blow them off, they get dirty they get dirty, I'll wipe moisture off though to prevent rust. Hand tools are kept fairly clean, not saying I've never used my drill bottom for a hammer though

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  6. Picked up this little addition to my collection this week to make a job easier.  It didn't work quite like I hoped it would but I'm sure it'll come in handy other places.  I really needed a second right angle impact wrench but I bought this for half the price and to have a different tool with a little different capabilities it was worth it.

    Love my m12 ratchet, it's great for assembly

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  7. Looks really good Jimbo. Pocket hole jig?

    No none at all, the headboard is made out of labels nailed to cross members, screwed into the header and posts, headboard has 3 5" lag bolts on each side, joists are attached with GRX screws, (those attached the head and footboard posts to the panel too)

    The footboard has lag screws (SPAX) running

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  8. This place is like the bar where we all have our own stools, we don't come here to have every 5th beer on the house, it's just our hang out, a bone is cool every once and a blue moon but it's the community that makes this place great, giveaway or not we're still here

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  9. Honestly I think this is a crazy question, Dewalt is where the smart money is here. With Dewalt you get more benefits for less money. The only thing Kapex brings to the table is a touch better build quality. It's like comparing a Corvette to a Maserati, smart money is Corvette.

    Maserati has high maintained bill, expensive oil change... back to tools

    Dewalt, you don't have the proprietary arbor size like the Kapex

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    I'm still waiting for my SK hammer set from January to ship but they don't charge you until it ships. If you really want to kick the gift horse you can complain to Amazon after a couple months and see if they'll give you a credit...if it were Sears or Lowe's, I kick. Amazon has good service, so no kicking.
    I imagine with how much Wera Amazon sells that this will ship sooner rather than later. It's too bad it's not a hex set or I would have bit. I have two torx screwdriver sets and the Wera security driver/4" bit set and honestly don't use torx THAT often.

    Ya me too

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  11. I looked last night and they were back up to $129. I keep seeing a bunch of their bare tools drop to $99 stay there for a few weeks and then go back up. I still have plenty of low use tools in the 18 volt line and I still have a few XRP batteries that hold a decent charge as well as a pair of the lithium ion batteries, so it may be years before the low use tools are replaced. Just about the only tine the big drill comes out any more is for drilling concrete in  the hammer drill mode. most of the rest of the time (holes 3/8" and under or the Kreg jig) I grab the little 12 volt Max.

    Check amazon I've seen the adapter only as low as 30

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  12. I could see certain situations where these would shine. Cutting pipe being one of them. It's hard on blades, is usually a pretty straightaway cut, and renders the rear section of the blade useless while the front is untouched. 

    That's why the little hackzall blades or the short torch blades are perfect

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