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Posts posted by JimboS1ice

  1. On 4/3/2017 at 10:36 AM, Jronman said:

    how do you like this set?

    I bought about a dozen of those when the cleared them out, they have a newer mag sleeve not sure how much better it would be, it's more curvy if your into that kind of thing lol

  2. Well I haven't been around much past few weeks I've been fairly busy with well... life



    That being said we signed a lease for a new house this weekend! Best part is my two car garage so we have another shop thread, right now I have no pictures but your not missing anything other than a pile in the corner of my tool belt and some ransoms, tomorrow night I'm moving some tools down in the chaos to start a project build... a bed frame.


    I'lol show progress of the garage as the shop progresses

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  3. On 3/30/2017 at 3:54 PM, Jronman said:

    I think it has something to do with the url change a few weeks ago. professional-power-tool-guide was changed to toolsinaction. I thought we were supposed to be able to use both but maybe a bug developed in the system within the past few days?

    Some thing, Tapatalk is no burnout either 

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