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Everything posted by metaljunkie

  1. Just have to keep a keen out for other peoples throw away items. I found this nice little table a few day' ago in the hallway of the apartment. It had a few minor problems, but definitely a nice wood top that can be used for building something with. Folks in these big city apartments waste a lot of things.
  2. A little about who I am.  A veteran who served in the United States Air Force and the United States Army. Coal miner, electrician, truck driver, welder, fabricator, amateur wood turner/wood worker, amateur metal turner and currently a pencil pusher living in the big city and awaiting retirement.  I enjoy the sharing of ideas, making stuff for family, spoiling my grand kids and helping other folks.  Some of my favorite quotes are;

    The only stupid question is the one that wasn't ask. 

    Where there's a will, there is a way.

    Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.

    Can't, never did do anything.

    Two heads are better than one.

    I can make that.

    Your right dear.

    1. metaljunkie


      Been here for a while so I figured it was time I updated my profile.

  3. I thought about a top for a new work table, but I would have to trim the length down to about 39" for a small cubby in my already crowded walk in closet. I could mount my drill press, band saw and bench grinder to it. May even have room for the compact Rockwell table saw.
  4. Ok folks, how about helping a guy out and coming up with some ideas I can use this coffee table for. I found it sitting silently in the hallway of the apartment complex with three broken ankles. Actually they were they small plastic feet at the bottom of the legs. It's a IKEA table, whatever that means, but it has a decent top with the ability to raise up to an extended position. The top is curved down on both long sides and it measures about 23" x 43". I don't need or have room for another coffee table in this small apartment, but the mechanism and wood top is too good to pass up. What could I make or use this free table for?
  5. Welcome Typo. One of the up sides to having five children is, you already have enough for a basketball team.
  6. Awesome craftsmanship. Just don't let my wife find out about the diamonds. lol
  7. Sounds like you may be making a wedding ring in the future.
  8. The best tape measure I have owned was a Stanley. It has long since died a long drawn out death due to mud and water since I used it in unfriendly conditions. Now a days I keep two or three cheap ones laying around because they have a habit of disappearing.
  9. Thanks Caterpillar. I just noticed I misspelled worker. Oh well, at least I can fall back on my wood working skills.
  10. The wife has been on to me over a wedding ring for sometime. So I finally gave in this week end. Let me know what you think. Remember, Happy wife, makes a Happy life.
  11. I did make a short video but it's not formatted correctly to post. I'll work on it and try to post it later. But your right Jronman, turn the handle and the piston moves in and out of the cylinder. It also works on compressed air, or at least should. I haven't had a chance to try that part out since I don't have an air compressor in my apartment yet.
  12. Thanks Jimbo. Your right, no guess work on changing it if I need to later. I had some cut offs from 4x8 sheets of siding from an out building I built a year ago and they work out great for enclosing the bottom of the new work bench. I just had to add a few 2x2's, hinges for the front and a hasp. I'm thinking of building another one a little smaller to hold my bench size drill press, band saw, and rock well table saw.
  13. I've been using Mobile One synthetic for 15 years or longer and sometimes they run a deal on it at the local Advanced Auto store in the five quart capacity jugs. But my truck requires 7 quarts, so when I can I purchase two of the large jugs and try to remember I have extra oil the next time around. Last time I was in such a hurry I bought the large jug and two additional quarts which were about $11.00 a quart. Prices are crazy for Mobile one and unless you pick it up on a sale, it will break you. Also, get the best oil filter you can afford, most of the generic filters are sub standard. They have a sad card board filter element that will not filter out the crud, sludge, metal, etc. after a few thousands miles. Why buy top quality oil and a cheap filter. Oil and filter is not the place to skimp on quality in my opinion.
  14. Pretty cool videos Surfer. He explains processes that even I can understand. Thanks for point him out.
  15. Thanks Surfer. Never heard of "This Old Tony", but I'll check it out and get back to you.
  16. I also looked at those HD boxes when trying to find a tool chest for my metal lathe, but there wasn't one around that fit my needs since the lathe is so big. I thought the Husky boxes from Home Depot had the kobalt boxes beat hands down just by price alone. I've always been a big Lowes fan because my wife worked there for so many years and the military discount they give me. The Husky boxes I did look at in person were of good quality for the price point, they just were not big enough for my lathe so I had to build one myself. Between a husky box and a Milwaukee box, I would lean toward the Milwaukee. They are sharp and would look great in my little apartment.
  17. Thanks and no word on the finish yet. Both me and the wife have been under the weather this weekend so we stayed in. I did use the wood cut offs to enclose the bottom half of the cart with the front as hinged doors and a hasp.
  18. I've always changed my own oil and will continue doing as long as I am able. It gives me a chance to crawl under it and look for other potential issues I may not know about. Wish I could get by with a $29.50 oil and filter change. Changed mine last week end when we went to our other home and it cost about $80.00. Mobile one full synthetic with a mobile one filter. Broke my heart and my pocket.
  19. Decided to finish the gluing and sanding of the new air engine today. It has intake and exhaust ports on the back side you can't see, plus a crank handle for the kids to turn so they watch the engine work. Pretty cool little project for a lathe and drill press.
  20. Got a few tools out today and decided to get creative. The work bench seems to work great with the 400 lb. load except for getting it out of the walk in closet. Plenty of clearance to get through the doorway, but it's tough to turn with that much weight on it.
  21. I'll have to make a run to Lowes on Saturday and check out both options. Thanks for the pointers.
  22. Update; The little cart handled the 400 lb load great. Rolled easy with no signs of stress on the frame. Now I just need to finish it as suggested with water based poly and enclose the top half. I pre-cut furring strips, 2x2"s and some 1/4" siding cut-offs from my last storage building project. I plan on using two set's of hinges so the top will unfold on two different axis. This way I can have access to the front and top of the lathe and close it after I'm finished with a project, and lock it up. It will/should look like a wooden box on top of a wood cart when I'm done until I unfold it foe the next project.
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