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Everything posted by wayneburgess

  1. wayneburgess


    Over here it has to be brewed in a tea pot the tea pot pre warmed and left to brew for exactly long enough then hot out of the pot with milk and sugar. Cold tea is rarer I think the weather has a lot to do with it.
  2. A highwayman was a robber who took all of your money just like in the song. LOL
  3. wayneburgess


    Did someone say pizza? Even at 4am that's enough to make me awake sniffing the air like scooby do. LOL
  4. Sometimes makes you feel like a bee banging its head on a sweetshop window.You can see what you want you just can't get to it.LOL
  5. wayneburgess


    That takes it into an art form
  6. I know a sparky who swears by Makita and loves them,but my experience recently has been folks swearing at them.
  7. I just don't go near Hilti,that little flashing light that says stand and deliver like a highwayman is a no no for me.
  8. I just think when they do research, they give tools away and folks just tell them what they want to hear to get free gear. It's brave to do an honest review on a tool like the guys do. I don't have the finances to buy every tool that comes down the pipe, so I can just be honest about what I buy, and thanks to Eric and Dan over there in the U.S, and Toolstop over here, some of the articles I write get to a larger audience than on my own.
  9. The weakness over here is only one radio has D.A.B the digital capability and thats the Makita, but I avoid Makita because I have had megga problems with them.
  10. I will keep hunting, normally it costs me more in shipping than the item.
  11. Lenox make some very very good blades, I bought a job lot of hacksaw blades years ago and still have some left now they rock.
  12. The Robertson screwdriver is still the best design but for some reason it only took off in Canada.
  13. I've just found the make of my faithful little stainless steel bladed pocket knife.Cheap as chips and has been a belter. Its a John-Benzen Electricians knife.Do you guys know this manufacturer?
  14. Astroglide?????? there may be a product name difference between You guys and us, but I am in stitches here laughing hahahahahahahahaha.
  15. wayneburgess


    In England we have Hot tea with milk and if you like sugar then go right ahead. We also have cold tea but in some parts of the U.K tea is like a very very big deal, how it is brewed in the tea pot e.t.c.
  16. Meanwhile back at the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.LOL London put on a fantastic show and there was a Gig right outside the palace last night that was very cool.
  17. The problem over here with Milwaukee is getting hold of them. Either you can't get something at all like the taper shaped wood bits that look awsome by the way. Or if you can get something, you pay megga bucks for it unless you wait an age for prices to drop, or find a one off bargain on e-bay. The other thing seems to be many suppliers have fired them off, saying they are real bad over here on the support side of things.
  18. Hi Conductor 562, And welcome back Eric, newly returned from behind enemy lines I presume ( Computers eh?) LOL. When I say Cobalt I mean made of rather than made by. Drill bits with cobalt in them are great for stainless steel and very very hard metals.
  19. wayneburgess


    Gulp they're picking us off one by one LOL
  20. wayneburgess


  21. wayneburgess


    Thank you for that. I think its cool learning. Has anyone seen Eric by the way?I think we need to send out a search party and make sure he is O.K
  22. That's the thing though,there's always going to be someone who abuses things and screws it up for everyone else.
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