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Close old UTB topics

John Glassey

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I have a question, for the administrations and moderators. Is there any reason, once the UTB # topic post thread is over and all, prizes are awarded, and I guess some time to congratulate the winner/ winners, is allow! should additional posts to be added? The only reason I mention this is, I see a number of posts going to the UTB 5 topic. I think the most recent ones need to be moved the the current topic "UTB 8" and all additional posts be locked out. just an observation. I don't even know if that is something that can be done?

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I agree, I think a month or two after the prize gets to the destination. Pics are normally posted so we can congratulate them again and talk about what they're going to use the tools on. I find it pretty annoying when people with 0 posts are asking questions or making suggestions on old threads, this forum is more than just a place to win tools...and they clearly aren't taking the time to read anything.

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I agree, I think a month or two after the prize gets to the destination. Pics are normally posted so we can congratulate them again and talk about what they're going to use the tools on. I find it pretty annoying when people with 0 posts are asking questions or making suggestions on old threads, this forum is more than just a place to win tools...and they clearly aren't taking the time to read anything.

Yea I feel some people are here for the wrong reasons, notice when they announced monthly forum giveaways the influx of new members? Don't get me wrong we've got some awesome new guys but the 1 and 2 posters, we all like free stuff but there is more than just free stuff here, I check this forum out more than Facebook or any other app on my phone, this place rocks and you guys rock... Enough of the sappyness.


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Yea I feel some people are here for the wrong reasons, notice when they announced monthly forum giveaways the influx of new members? Don't get me wrong we've got some awesome new guys but the 1 and 2 posters, we all like free stuff but there is more than just free stuff here, I check this forum out more than Facebook or any other app on my phone, this place rocks and you guys rock... Enough of the sappyness.


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. Damn right Jimbo couldn't agree more bro!! I don't have a FB this is my FB lol the crew is awesome for those that don't take time to explore this great place and awesome crew that's there loss!
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Exactly, that's why it bothers me. If TiA never did another giveaway, I'd still be here multiple times a day.


Yea it is confusing to new people. It looks like it's the newest utb info for some reason. I made the mistake the first time I wrote on the utb page. I thought maybe it was just the way it loaded on my phone.


Yeah same here

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Yea it is confusing to new people. It looks like it's the newest utb info for some reason. I made the mistake the first time I wrote on the utb page. I thought maybe it was just the way it loaded on my phone.



I definitely understand that. Maybe there should also be a year in the title.

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Well guys...we have had a HUGE influx of new members on the forum. This number increases each time a prize is announced. Eric and Dan push the YouTube channel hard as well as other social websites and people see the prizes and immediately pop on the forum. This is great, we've gotten some awesome members! A large group of these people make a few posts and then go away. Some put up huge numbers of posts super fast. Most of these posts go right to the first thing they see (UTB5 which I won.....I thank you very much ;) ) and skip over the next one in line.

The forum is designed so that any member can begin a new topic. It's really up to a member to do a search in the bar to see if a topic has already begun and that's where the ball starts to roll from. If each member took the time to research a topic before beginning anew, our topics would drop dramatically. Anyways.....this does not happen too often. Somebody will start a new topic on the UTB, even knowing there's a bunch already started. Then you've got the moderators trying to read each topic and get involved, make sure the posts aren't causing issues, find spammers, ban them, answer questions....it is a lot of reading!

I think the concept is a good idea but to put it in practical terms, it's not that easy. Plus deleting a post has its own ramifications, it deletes everybody's posts that participated in the topic. When I find a duplicate post I can merge them but for instance. There's has to be six or seven new topics started since I went to be last night, over the course of the day there may be twenty or more! Merging a topic can cause confusion to the flow of the topic also. If a member started a topic, it's going great, lots of replies and banter then bam! I merge another topic into the first one it throws the course of the topic off. I will try harder to find duplicates out there and if they fit I'll merge them but ultimately it would be great if a member uses the search bar first before starting a relatively popular topic....i.e. The UTB. Then they can chime in on a particular topic.

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Well guys...we have had a HUGE influx of new members on the forum. This number increases each time a prize is announced. Eric and Dan push the YouTube channel hard as well as other social websites and people see the prizes and immediately pop on the forum. This is great, we've gotten some awesome members! A large group of these people make a few posts and then go away. Some put up huge numbers of posts super fast. Most of these posts go right to the first thing they see (UTB5 which I won.....I thank you very much ;) ) and skip over the next one in line.

The forum is designed so that any member can begin a new topic. It's really up to a member to do a search in the bar to see if a topic has already begun and that's where the ball starts to roll from. If each member took the time to research a topic before beginning anew, our topics would drop dramatically. Anyways.....this does not happen too often. Somebody will start a new topic on the UTB, even knowing there's a bunch already started. Then you've got the moderators trying to read each topic and get involved, make sure the posts aren't causing issues, find spammers, ban them, answer questions....it is a lot of reading!

I think the concept is a good idea but to put it in practical terms, it's not that easy. Plus deleting a post has its own ramifications, it deletes everybody's posts that participated in the topic. When I find a duplicate post I can merge them but for instance. There's has to be six or seven new topics started since I went to be last night, over the course of the day there may be twenty or more! Merging a topic can cause confusion to the flow of the topic also. If a member started a topic, it's going great, lots of replies and banter then bam! I merge another topic into the first one it throws the course of the topic off. I will try harder to find duplicates out there and if they fit I'll merge them but ultimately it would be great if a member uses the search bar first before starting a relatively popular topic....i.e. The UTB. Then they can chime in on a particular topic.

I hear you Chris, thank you for your hard work you out in the forum, but would there be a way to just stop commenting older UTB posts? Duplicity of topics doesn't bother me, a lot of them can be similar but end up different.


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Thanks Chris :)

BTW, for the record, I don't want any of the old posts deleted. It's nice to keep them up, when I joined I read the old posts to see what the deal was with the UTBs.

Agreed. There was a forum I was very active on several years ago and they did the same thing, just locked it from further comments. This particular forum was operated by a place that closed their doors, and the info on it went with it
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Knarly you picked a good forum to jump back in with. I have really enjoyed my time here so far. There are a lot of great guys here with a lot of knowledge. The moderators are great and keep this place really clean. It's good to be crew!

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