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Someone needs a lesson in CFM....


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This is a perfect example of why forums like this one are priceless !!! It's nice to ask opinions from people that actually use tools and know what they are talking about. I used a pancake style for years. Car tires , finish nailer .... No problem ... Sold it on Craigslist ... Bought a small 33 gal that can run smaller tools. That's all I need.

Step 1 .... Buy the right tool for the job !!!



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I use my little four gallon Rolair to take lug nuts off my truck with a small impact and it does just fine and it's not like I am using it for that everyday, just for rotating tires or the occasional brake job. I sure wouldn't use it for die grinders or cutoffs and expect it to do well...and if I did I sure as hell wouldn't post a review about it complaining online!

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The same thing happens with cars. I've seen vehicles like VW and Audi get bad reviews because of features like automatic windows. The user couldn't get the window to the exact place like their could with the old crank that their old POS had. Couldn't understand that just mashing the button makes it go all the way. These types of reviews really need to be filed under something like *didn't understand the purpose or principles of the product* or maybe something like a BoR site. It's the review answer to BoC.

If you didn't catch those acronyms they'd be Best of Reviews and Best of Craigslist respectively.

I wonder how pissed the guy would be if he got a 6.5" saw and then tried to cut something like a 6x6 or 8x8. That would probably be worth getting on tape.

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I see the same types of reviews at harbor freight all the time. Someone expecting a tool to do everything for them or not knowing how to use it to begin with.  When I research a new product I only read the bad reviews to see what they are complaining about.  The 5 star reviews are typically from people who know what the tool is for and what to expect it to do.  The old sayings are correct, people expect perfection and don't appreciate it, but will complain to everyone about any little thing they don't like. I had a friend when I did snow removal complain to everyone I knew but me that I didn't "put the blade down all the way" when I did his driveway.  What he didn't realize is there isn't any down pressure on a truck snow plow and once you drive over snow it packs to ice which the blade won't chip up no matter how many passes I made. I had several commercial accounts I had to do before I hit my residential accounts and he and his wife would leave for work before I got to his packing down his driveway. He ended up having a guy that worked for him to do his drive the following year and had the same problem, shocker...

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Here's another one. Blaming DeWalt because Home Depot blocked out half of the disclosure he was looking for. I can clearly see it says "Battery n...." NOT INCLUDED.

Hey man it could have said battery NOW included! [emoji6] [emoji16] [emoji90] Sorry I couldn't help it. People are just douche canoes sometimes, it just so happens that those are generally the ones that make the most noise or type reviews on Home Depots site!

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I guess it COULD have. But if he REALLY cared to look to see if a battery was included or not, he may have checked another box for clarification. [emoji6]

Sounds like he's trying to pass the buck. People need to take responsibility for their actions.

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