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Eric - TIA

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Eric - TIA last won the day on July 19

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About Eric - TIA

  • Birthday 10/22/1973


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    Family, Fishing, Hockey

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  1. Not sure about the clutch but I wouldn't think this model does. That is a weird smell. If the brushes are bad, something is up as I wouldn't think they brushes would go that quickly, but I have heard of brushes going quickly on other tools so it might be.
  2. Could be a bad motor, bad brushes, something rubbing against the blade or dust inside the motor that is burning. I would first make sure there is no wood or anything in the bottom of the saw there the bottom of the blade would be rubbing against it. I would also try and blow out the vents on the motor as there might be dust or something inside.
  3. Seems like a cool tool to have around.
  4. Not going to lie and I have said this before. Between your cookouts and firearms, I have to come over sometime and hangout. Your place would be awesome.
  5. That's crazy about the sock. They all seem to get holes in them. I might have to check them out and get a pair.
  6. I am starting to hear that a lot from people. It's amazing how powerful the smaller tools are getting.
  7. Thanks, I like the USA and family owned idea. Yes, both look great. I am leaning towards the 500 as I like the grip.
  8. Agree 100%. I see the same that people complain about Festool also. However, when it comes down to quality, Festool is much higher than Milwaukee. I am not knocking Milwaukee, it's great stuff but you can see the difference in some of the tools. Yes, I know it's made for a different type of person. Milwaukee has such a high market share right now and they have done a great job marketing their tool and showing them as a quality tool, and that is one reason they can charge so much. But I agree, there are certain tools where it's just over priced.
  9. I am curious to see how many people really use one-key. I get it for finding a tool and assembling lines but who knows?
  10. I would assume the same but with so much coming out of China, it's hard to tell how they will fit together and if it would work. I would assume as long as it says it's made for that model, you should be good. If not, you can probably return it.
  11. Wow, I am very surprised. When it comes to quality, usually German stuff is top-notch.
  12. How is the Mossberg? What do they run? WWould you recommend the Winchester or the Mossberg
  13. Agree. What I have seen is OK, but not a lot to see where people would jump ship. For the newbies coming into the trades, it gives them more tool options which is great.
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