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Harold Wray

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Everything posted by Harold Wray

  1. Congratulations Cody! Those are some really great tools you won!
  2. How do you feel about it Chase?
  3. Yes. I have been following that on the news. An Absolute tragedy. These heroes out there doing so much to help and such a terrible tragedy.
  4. I was installing recessed lights in the ceiling. I was ready to drill the holes and knew it would create a LOT OF DUST. I had seen those cup's that go around your hole saw to keep it from going everywhere but didn't want to spend more money. So I just got one of those disposable tupperware containers, cut a hole in the middle for the end of bit to fit through and it worked. Perfectly. No dust. Everything just settled in the container. Not a big deal but I thought it was kinda cool.
  5. We all have had those times when we use a tool for its non intended purpose to get the job done. or found an ingenious way to solve a problem. Be it chewing gum to fix a leak or keep putting extra nails to keep the fence from falling down. Let's hear what cool thing you did to just "get it done".
  6. I love this question conductor. I will think about it. Love what you guys said so far (chase, conductor,jeth) get points.
  7. I love those jawhorses also and why hasen't it come down in price.
  8. Isn't this like feeding beef to a cow. Oh no, Mad Scroll Saw Disease.
  9. I forgot to thank you DR99 for the information. Thank you!
  10. That's what I kinda thought. Huh.
  11. Call me stupid but I never understood what a die grinder was used for.
  12. Wow. Filling it with sand. A lot of nerve. I have never had a problem returning stuff to Home Depot. i guess like DR99 said depends on who is working at the time.
  13. Hey Conductor, I just wanted to thank you again for the job ideas at Union Pacific and BNSF. I have been looking but the jobs are either in LA or further way. I'm still looking. Thanks again.
  14. Like the other guys I thought you were older also Conductor. I guess I am the oldest one here. I'm 4,983. My first tool was a rock.
  15. Wow Chase. That was brave of you but don't do something that will get you hurt (or worse). We need you here on the forum. The way you run INTO danger shows you would make a great fireman!!
  16. I am a very much a box person. But I don't have any. Man I would really like some boxes. My tools are just stacked on top of each other. Hard to get at them. That's one thing I have been wanting for a while. I've seen all Dan & Eric's videos on the Bosch lboxx,Dewalt tough storage system, tstak. How are the lboxxes you got with the drill working out?
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