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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. It's about that time. Baseball is still number one with me until it's over but Football is right around the corner now.
  2. Nice truck. I got a box a couple of years ago from Lowes on a good Friday sale. Love that shinny chrome look.
  3. Rusty gold as they would say on "American Pickers"
  4. Finger joints look good too. Cool idea for some place to throw receipts where you might remember where they are.
  5. Nice, I need a permanent router myself. Might be the next project. Nice job jrsalas.
  6. This guy went brushless a long time ago and hasn't looked back
  7. Nice that you didn't have to build it. Even though it might be fun to do it yourself. We got one that included delivery and putting it together. Took the guy about 10 hours to do it working alone.
  8. Nordraw

    A dogs life

    The hair is my least favorite part that's for sure. Always having to be there to let them out is another one. But it's worth it in the long run.
  9. Nordraw

    A dogs life

    We have two spoiled dogs, that is for sure.
  10. Well, I have won a couple of things since I starting hanging out here and following the lead of Kruton and a few others I decided it was my turn to give back. Since it's Labor Day coming up I am having a "Labor Day Give Away" There will be one winner and it will be announced on Monday. Good Luck and good grilling.
  11. Nordraw

    A dogs life

    She'll do anything for a treat!
  12. That is great! You have anymore like it?
  13. Haven't heard of anybody trying that. What is your design? How would you do it?
  14. I got some a couple of days ago. Took about 5 days from when I ordered them.
  15. Tools are just tools. They can and will be replaced. Hope your daughter is ok
  16. Now that is a good deal . Smart buying all three. Ended up with a free saw and money in your pocket. Can't beat that.
  17. Nice sign. Nice to see you got it. I didn't have a doubt.
  18. Welcome aboard, stickers right on the paint, that's dedication.
  19. That is a good deal. Got all three, gotta love that. What did you get for them selling them?
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