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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Nice box, I always thought those were great for the money and look good too.
  2. I saw these at Home Depot yesterday, sitting right there ready to take home. Wish it was in my budget
  3. Four tens should be a national law. It would solve a lot of problems in the world. Well maybe that's going a little far
  4. This dude seems pretty smart but has a huge chip on his shoulder that is for sure.
  5. Wow, that's a lot of dough for a truck box. You must have that Dan money.
  6. Those were two great fights that is for sure. Wish the main event would have went into the 3rd though.
  7. Get the bigger blade every time. Hard to find the smaller blades too.
  8. Why would having an electrical outlet on the floor be against code? People do that for power recliners or lamps in the middle of a floor so you won't have cords all over.
  9. I thought everybody knew that the 20 volt thing was just a marketing thing. Sounds like this dude has an ax to grind calling them Dewilt all the time. Tell us something we don't know dude.
  10. Nordraw

    Power Outage

    Did your Table saw trip the circuit?
  11. Someones got a drill fetish it looks like. I have way too many drills myself. Can't have too many.
  12. You sound like you will do just fine Snarf, no worries here. Welcome aboard
  13. Looks like that is the way of the future. Of course when that goes mainstream it will seriously jack up the price of the internet TV options. And it will all be a moot point. Just like if they came up with a tablet that you could drop in the gas tank of your car and make it get 50 mph the price of gas would go to 20 dollars a gallon. That's the way of the world.
  14. Yeah, I'm a big fan. interesting fight coming up Saturday, not with Rhonda but the mouth that roared. Collin and Chad Mendez. That should be a good one.
  15. Looks like one of those prison made knifes you see in movies.
  16. Nice reminder about how dangerous a fun tool can be, and how quick your day can turn into a bad one. Glad you are ok and able to talk about it.
  17. Nice design on the rack. Never saw one like that. Did you come up with that or see it online somewhere?
  18. Wow, that is a scary story. Maybe they just wanted to wish you a happy 4th? Not likely, hope they got what they deserved somewhere during the night. Before they did any damage.
  19. Nice shed, what company did you buy it from? We got a great deal on a shed at Costco a couple of years ago. it's 8 by 8 and they came out and built it on a cement slab that we had done. Came out great. and it was half the price of the "tuff shed' that I was considering. Anyway, nice shed you will enjoy that.
  20. Our house has both the playstation and latest Xbox. Most of the time it's online gaming of one sort or another. Mostly one of the black ops is going.
  21. Good old "Blue Moon" is what I usually get when we go out if I get anything at all. A six pack lasts me a long time
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