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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. I would just take it back and go with another saw. That's the only way they understand a problem it seems. Lose customers and they take notice.
  2. I have seen it on occasion
  3. Nice looking ladder. Hope they are at a good price.
  4. Sometimes you just have to pull the trigger and go with something new if you need to. Gives you an excuse to buy a new toy.
  5. Thanks Chris, it's about 85 here today. Rather have about a week of rain. Or two.
  6. That sucks, what kind of board are you getting?
  7. Thanks Regopit I really enjoyed watching that . Love that kind of stuff.
  8. Might have to check out the one in Ontario CA, that's not too far from me.
  9. I'll stick to the temporal thermometers if you don't mind. That reminds me of the joke I heard, "What's the difference between a oral and and anal thermometer?" "The taste" enough said on that subject huh?
  10. Steve Ramsey would be proud!
  11. I thought everybody had one of those.
  12. Had me going there when it was William NG doing it.
  13. Yeah, Cabazon is a cool place to look around. My girlfriend loves the "Coach" store. Have you tried Victoria Station in Rancho? That's the best I think.
  14. Nordraw

    Man cave

    Is it air conditioned at all? Cool looking place to hang out
  15. Grandma's country kitchen is pretty good. Eaten there a couple of times, long drive from Palm Springs though. About 28 miles I think. I heard there is a monthly fee you have to pay the electric company to allow you to use the panels, is that true?
  16. Is there any other way?
  17. Just got my T-shirt in the mail yesterday. Stickers too.
  18. Nice work with that. I love organized work spaces. Good work
  19. How much is the fee to the electric company every month for letting you use the solar? I heard they have this fee but never knew what it was. Can't believe you will have a zero electric bill even with the solar panels. Do as much research as you can on total cost and how long before you break even. Good luck and let us know how it works for you. I too live in a place that has very high heat in the summer. Inland Empire about 4 hours from Vegas.
  20. Got a T-shirt, (nice job getting them in black) and some pro stickers. Very cool
  21. Nordraw

    Dewalt types?

    Bigger is better they say. I would be happy with the fact that it's a new one and most likely has some improvements to it. How did it get stolen? Out of your garage or on the job site?
  22. I miss Lowes, I used to have a Home Depot and Lowes within a mile or so now the closest Lowes is about 20 miles away so I don't get there to often.
  23. I've seen that before at an apartment that I lived in many years ago. They ended up moving me to another apartment after I filed a complaint. Hope you get it fixed as soon as possible.
  24. Have to really be patient to get a deal at Home Depot. Lucky too. Kind of being there at the right time.
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