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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. That would be a good tape to get. Metric and standard is worth it. Most likely see a lot more with that feature.
  2. Damn that was a good deal. wish I had seen it sooner.
  3. Nice looking bed frame and a lot cheaper then the store bought too.
  4. What? I was thinking more along the lines of getting more tools. I'm a sick man.
  5. Change can be a good thing. Only time will tell as always huh? Looks good.
  6. I have a Bosch random Orbital sander and have been happy with it. Looks like a good buy
  7. Where did you pick that little number up? Nice toy!
  8. Sounds like you are getting there. Nice to have a dedicated shop for wood working. I do with a one car side of a three car garage. Have fun with it.
  9. That's a good price for that. I have one, wouldn't be a bad idea to have two of them like you said. Expensive push blocks though.
  10. Very nice, Festool huh? lucky man. cool set up
  11. They look just like you, just kidding, nice tools.
  12. Dust is the most dangerous thing about wood working. way more then spinning blades or kick back, both of those are a concern too of course but the dust, the fine dust will kill you over a period of time without you knowing it until it's too late. Your lungs are not a good filter for wood dust that is for sure. If you are going to do a good amount of wood working dust extraction and filtering of fine dust is a must.
  13. Never thought about batteries and cold weather here in California but last night it got down to 25 degrees here in the Inland Empire, Damn that global warming.
  14. Great job and nice looking house.
  15. Nice job and a good score. Too bad that working on a motor doesn't pay the same or even near the same as a tech job.
  16. Ran across this the other day..........
  17. Yeah, I got that design from a picture of a dog bed with a big dog in it but it would have taken up way to much room that is for sure, so I just made a small version of it.
  18. Nice job, now all it needs is a heated seat and it is good to go! Good job with that
  19. Yeah, you should see her snap at our 80 pound pit bull. pretty funny.
  20. Yeah, 2/4's , oak plywood and the front of the drawer was poplar. Pretty sturdy benches for the most part.
  21. These are two benches I made a while back
  22. Nice job, I need one of those.
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