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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Ah, the curse of being an educated man.
  2. How did you set up that meeting? Just went on a whim or you guy had it planned out. Good job.
  3. You are a real DeWalt addict aren't you? Nice haul of tools you have there.
  4. Nice to hear. I am looking to go with the battery format in the near future.
  5. You have any pictures of how that turned out? Sounds interesting.
  6. Thanks KDV, these are oil stains that are completely picked up on the surface but have left a stain that doesn't want to come out. Over the years I have tried lots of stuff with no real success. I just saw a video on you tube where a guy used Carb cleaner and that seems to work pretty well. I may try that just to add to the list. I have also never tried power washing it, anybody ever tried that? Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.
  7. Mowing my lawn today and had to flip it on its side to clear out some junk from under it , didn't take that long but unbeknownst to me. it was dumping oil on my driveway. Ahhhhhhh! It's got oil all in the air cleaner, everywhere. Never again will I buy a gas mower or anything else. Having said that it's a Honda mower and has worked great for the last 4 years and this is my stupid mistake. Any good ideas on getting oil out of concrete? Never had anything that really worked well.
  8. Wow, another one bites the dust. The selling out of the country continues. Pretty scary to say the least.
  9. Nordraw


    Almost anything you want or need for woodworking can be made yourself for a fraction of the price. A good website that is pretty funny too is called "Stumpy Nubs" www.stumpynubs.com He is one of the best at making wood working jigs. Check it out
  10. Make or buy a box and get some Kaizen foam from a company called "fastcap" they have great videos showing how to do it. That way you custom make it to exactly what you need. And have fun doing it too. Good luck.
  11. You live in Hawaii so can't feel too bad for you lacking a few tools here and there. Welcome and hope to see more soon.
  12. It's "madness I tell you, madness"
  13. My philosophy is always get the best tool your money can buy. It will pay off in the long run every time.
  14. Yeah, I have had a Ipad stolen out of my checked bags more then once. TSA are a bunch of nim rods for the most part. I mean that in the nicest of ways of course.
  15. Oh Yeah, more toys huh?
  16. Nice video and great idea for portable work station.
  17. I go to the Montclair CA store sometimes. They have a great selection of tools in one store even if the prices are a little on the high side most of the time. Cool store.
  18. Not a bad price for that.
  19. Nice job Ben, what were the new tools you used? You know what they say, pictures speak a thousand words. Yours sum it up pretty well.
  20. Great job with the tile. I like the lay out pattern.
  21. Was it built by the machine? Better call Harold and Reese.
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