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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Great job. what do you use it for? Work, storage?
  2. This is a set of drawers I made a couple of years back. For the Garage.
  3. Nice job with that. What kind of finish did you use? How many coats? Did you sand in between coats? I'm just full of question aren't I. Shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee.
  4. That looks like it use to be a bench at one time. Yeah can't believe what people try and sell on Craig's list sometimes.
  5. That pretzel pizza is way too salty for me. Got one once and it will be the last one.
  6. I had a guy ask me to do that but I'm just not that trusting a guy I guess. Figured it was a scam of some kind. Glad to hear someone had it work out for them.
  7. Wow, looks like you are ready for Ebay with all those tools.
  8. gotta say that's the first shop I've seen with wall paper like that. What's the table top made of?
  9. That looks like a well stocked store. Very nice
  10. Talk about "cement shoes" Grand pa didn't play
  11. Can't beat that deal. I always go by the discount area whenever I go in Home Depot.
  12. Seems like DeWalt is getting more into the hand tool game as of late. Judging from what I see at Home Depot anyway. I only have a few, the Box cutter and the tape measure. Always down for new tools though.
  13. I love getting things in the mail. What happened with the car accident?
  14. Nordraw

    Am I wrong

    The only thing you did wrong was letting this a- hole leave without confronting him about what he did. That would have ended it all right there. I don't think I would have paid him a dime either. Just for hanging a mount? Didn't have to run wires or anything? 250 is a joke. Then he has his mother call? Chalk it up to experience and that would be to never hire anybody that isn't licensed. Never. With no license you have no recourse against them in anyway. Sounds like you got off easy enough. That would piss me off to be sure. Glad it all worked out for you.
  15. Nice pick up! I am a bargain hunter too. Nice job
  16. No cars in that garage. I like that
  17. I like that place, I used to go there when I was living in Rancho Cucamonga. Usually stop in at Harbor Freight while I was in the area.
  18. We got a house in the "Sundance" area of Beaumont in Sept. of last year. So far so good. We moved from Rancho Cucamonga. Commute to Rialto for work so it's about a 30 mile trek. Anyway nice to have a "neighbor" on the site. Talk to you later
  19. Looked like it was having some trouble cutting through that wood
  20. Yeah, I have a table that I made that has to be set up and I have a DeWalt trim router with a plunge and fixed base. They are very good tools to have no doubt.
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