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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. That's some great garage fodder to be sure.
  2. Really, shot in the chest? How did that happen.
  3. It all comes to an end at some point for every athlete, even the great ones. This might just be the last year for Peyton. He's had a great run and it was fun to watch.
  4. Can't beat a good table saw. I agree a track saw is for sheet ply wood cuts. Table saw is much more versatile. But if the small DeWALT is working for you then stick with it.
  5. It so hard going by those internet reviews. No matter what there will be people saying good things and people saying bad things. About every product and restaurant and movie and tool. Always tough to decide. That's why it's so good to have a site like this where people check things out in the real world and have really used the product.
  6. How is the service with Sprint. I have had most all of them over the years but never Sprint. None of them were worth a damn except Verizon. I hate Verizon as a business but you can't beat their coverage. Still pisses me off that they force you to get a data plan when you don't want or need one. WIFI is plenty for me and all that I need. The 30 bucks a month that they force you to pay is a joke.
  7. Nordraw


    I like that ladder with the black steps.
  8. "Tejava" premium black iced tea. A "flat white" from Starbucks, and "patron" tequila when in a drinking mood.
  9. It has been a long time if you were paying 50 bucks. It's about 69 bucks for a PPV now. I only buy a very rare few. Now that Jon Jones is out it is pretty slim pickings. Hope Jon gets his life together and gets back in the octagon. DC is yapping for another beating.
  10. The UFC is slowing turning into the WWE due in part to guys like Mcgregor. He's a good fighter but personally I can't wait to see him get his ass beat. That's the whole idea I'm sure, doesn't matter if you like someone or dislike them as long as you know about them. That's the key. If you are interested in seeing them it doesn't matter if you are rooting them to win or lose. As long as you buy that pay per view. Take him out Aldo.
  11. Nordraw

    Work table

    Where did you get it?
  12. Yeah, thanks for keeping all the crap off of the forum and the site in general. You guys do a great job with that.
  13. Who's the builder of those homes. You are contracted out right?
  14. The old Harbor Freight pin nailer in action I see. Nice job.
  15. Cool looking level but I don't need a level at that price point.
  16. Nordraw


    They raised the price by 100 bucks? Not such a great deal now.
  17. DamianD, what kind of job is that? must run 7 day a week 24 hours a day.
  18. Way to go. Let us know how that works out and what you use it for. Seems like a good portable router table.
  19. sanding is a pain in the ass that is very necessary, it will only look as good as the prep work, Staining should be a piece of cake after the sanding.
  20. Yeah DeWALT blades are not too good. I just shit canned the one that came with my tablesaw and replaced it with a "Diablo" won't go so far as throwing it away, never know when you might have a use for a new blade. Or find somebody that want's to buy it.
  21. I'll second on the Bosch. Check out the prices you can get on one of those. Can't go wrong with the DeWALT either. All depends on your budget and how much you are going to use it and how rough you will be on it. Might be able to get away with a cheaper one and he just fine..
  22. Nice touch with the bricks on the shed. Shed and fence look really good. What did it end up costing you to build?
  23. The difference between a good wood worker and a fair one is how well they can fix a mistake so that nobody notices (except another woodworker).
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