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Everything posted by RickyMcGrath

  1. I heard that HD will be transitioning from DeWalt and that DeWalt will begin to fill the shelves at Lowes but then a Lowes manager told me he knows nothing about that.
  2. I will definitely end up doing something. I need to make some room. I just acquired a 13,000BTU AC/Heater for my garage. But with tough boxes and the AC, I don't have much room to do any work. I need to get the tools off my shelves, into tough boxes and the boxes against the wall.
  3. I started putting ALL my hand held power tools in dedicated Tough Boxes last night with their respective accessories. I need to find a quality label to label the boxes. Started just using a sharpie on the front by the handle so I don't go crazy trying to find stuff. I'm entertaining the idea of doing a TOUGH SYSTEM WALL in my garage. I know I can do square tubing and use the DS Carrier brackets, but that isn't conducive to a garage/shop environment. I got to thinking sliding brackets would be absolutely incredible and very doable from a design perspective. It wouldn't be cost effective for a custom one off setup. Maybe I can do a design in Sketchup, patent it and sell it to DeWalt. [emoji16] My current idea is to just do shelf style pull outs on drawer glides. Slide out, open the box, close and slide back. Then repeat to put the tool away.
  4. After checking the MSDS sheet for Propane, I am confident a propane tank CAN be used for air. IF DONE PROPERLY. The vapor pressure for for Propane is 127 PSIG, which converts to 141 PSI based on atmospheric pressure. If you are above sea level, the PSI is actually higher.
  5. http://www.garagejournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=56583
  6. Does anyone have any tangible figures as to why a propane tank wouldn't be ideal for an air tank?
  7. Not true. Propane liquifies at 140+ PSI.
  8. I don't see an issue here at all. If the tanks are in good condition, you should be able to safely make them air tanks. Propane doesn't convert to liquid until 140 PSI. So obviously the tanks can handle well more than 140 Psi. I'm thinking they must have a 250 PSI rating. Moisture will be your enemy here as with any steal tank. Drain cocks are a must. Maybe pressure relief valves at say 125 PSI?
  9. It's A LOT of work. If you put it into a time/savings ratio, it's better for some to pay retail prices or buy online. Years ago, I started to put a value on my time and I am up to $65 an hour for personal time since I got married and have two small children. So if I am not making or saving at least that, it's not worth it to me.
  10. Trash the original. I've never had one not accepted. Lowes and HD both accept it for returns. They CSR today told me "sweet" when he asked for my receipt and I gave him my phone.
  11. You need a cherry popper deal. I looked for a few weeks and found nothing. Now I don't look and find at least SOMETHING. today I was in the seasonal section and found two boxes of nails that rang up $0.01. They didn't want to sell them to me so they let me have them.... FOR FREE.
  12. I'm thinking I need one next to my DeWalt stool as well.
  13. Exactly! I was going to set up 1-2 for my kids crafts but the lids are too heavy and would hurt if it slammed down.
  14. Some of Those guys over there are a$$ wagons. I've learned enough to share with TIA and not deal with that crap.
  15. And of course there are the elusive "penny deals."
  16. I've been spending a little too much time over on another forum learning about HD clearance. I wanted to bring that knowledge over here to TIA and share the smoking deals with my TIA brothers (and sisters). In short, there is a methodology to potentially scoring big at HD. I will share the details later after I have time to do a detailed write up but I wanted to get the thread started for those that may be aware and can chime in. Here's some peaks at what we are finding.
  17. Very few of those left. They were special buys.
  18. NEAT Receipts scanner. Scan them into your computer using their software which searches all the text of that receipt. When I need to recall a receipt, I search by manufacturer, keyword or sku if I know what store I bought it from. I can access it from my phone or iPad as well.
  19. How about a DeWalt Tough box? [emoji16]
  20. I have one 52", two 36", two 24's and two 12's. I think.
  21. They're great for mobile mounting because the boxes do not move. They will not fall off their mounts. But when it comes to stationary storage, thats a different scenario. Especially if you plan on using them in a work shop environment that will more than likely be accessed regularly.
  22. They make brackets. They are called DS Carrier brackets. I have about a dozen pair.
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