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Everything posted by RickyMcGrath

  1. I'm pretty sure I got mine from HD. I think 77Ford claims he bought a few sets from HD as well.
  2. Check tool Rentals for Hitachi Products. Nails and fuel rods should all be a penny.
  3. I'm going to think forward.... Of all the stuff for this Black Friday. [emoji6] And how my whole family will get tools for Christmas. Lol
  4. I wish I had know about this months ago. There's no telling what I have missed out on.
  5. @OT_Restoration is what I've been using.
  6. I'll do a quick broadcast of everything I've picked up if you guys want to see.
  7. I have suddenly found myself carrying some pocket change solely for HD visits.
  8. I don't know if you do. It's so incredibly addicting. If I wasn't in the industry and able to frequent HD's daily or multiple locations in a day, there's no way id find these close outs.
  9. Only at this point, I don't want to pay more than a penny. [emoji16]
  10. I don't believe the crap on that show. They found a massive wagon style boom box and they quoted him $4,000 value but they are $4,000 brand new. I just found dozens of sets on ebay. Nothing more than $20.
  11. It sure will! Now I just need to find a coil framing nailer to go with all the coil nails. Lol.
  12. I'm curious as to why that store hasn't pennied them yet.
  13. Those are actually coil framing nails.
  14. It so much more gratifying that they are all black and yellow. Ohhh, and there are 4 nail guns in that pile. [emoji16]
  15. The first time through, the woman stopes me at SCO and said, are you buying those? I replied yes ma'am. She questioned the penny and I said they're on clearance. End of conversation. The second one was a debacle. Employees calling employees, people coming over and looking at my cart, manager came over and said have a good day.
  16. Probably a good amount more than 300.
  17. Haha. I'm pretty jealous of your tough boxes. I only have 36 now.
  18. I don't think it's possible Mike. Lol. Purely luck, I can tell you that. The opportunity was there and all my previous deal searching gave me the preparation. That store will most likely put my picture up and watch me like a hawk next time I go in there.
  19. I am speculating that they were incorrectly shipped to the wrong store. No place on the planogram for them hence an inactive sku.
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