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Everything posted by MikeyB

  1. I had picked up a Dewalt DWST 17805 a while back and was looking for something to pack it with. Finally got around to loading my my 16 ga Paslode finish nails and it holds fuel cells on the sides as well. I gotta pickup another one of these for my Porta Cable 15 ga finish nails, crown staples and brads. These boxes seem like they can handle a lot of nails. I also gotta find a case that would store Paslode framing nails.
  2. Holy Crap, love those racks Carl, nice work over there man
  3. Santi, if a larger snake does not work, check to see if you can rent a tool called the Kinetic Water Ram, it's an air tool for clearing stoppages. I have one and it's an awesome tool. Just be careful not to use too much air pressure on it...
  4. Nice find Big Mike, that Colt is on my list
  5. Nice score 77, send a pic of the saw
  6. I gotta get that Milwaukee great hoodie one of these days, would be perfect for snow blowing
  7. MikeyB

    IM PISSED!!!!

    Sorry to hear that BigMike, hopefully that will the last time it happens to you
  8. MikeyB

    Thank you

    Niceeeeeee Fazzman
  9. Don, where did you pick it up and how much did you score the box for? ( if you don't mind me asking)
  10. Comp, that is Bad Ass! Nice work
  11. I like that level, I'm bad at bending conduit offsets, would love to pick this one up
  12. MikeyB

    Home Depot

    Kruton, that saw is a Tiger, I don't need another circular either, but I'm dying to get that Makita brushless cordless... Lol
  13. Wow, that is very cool Comp... Great job
  14. What do you men only 78%? Awesome Comp
  15. Your right about the Impact Sockets Big Mike (Pittsburgh Brand I think?) a Steamfitter I know used them replacing steam expansion joints on one of our jobs and he loved them.
  16. MikeyB

    Home Depot

    That's a great saw and a great deal. They have had a couple on the clearance rack at my Depot for $180.00 for a couple of months now. When I get back there if that saw is 115 dollars I'm buying another one and selling it to my brother for 200... Lol
  17. That's a real nice looking saw Comp,
  18. The Shears are a real time saver, can't imagine roughing out a bathroom with out one these days
  19. Trying to locate the "New tool Registration" on Milwaukees website, can't seem to find it? Picked up about 4 new M12 tools in the last couple of months and want to get them registered. Appreciate any help guys,
  20. MikeyB

    Home Depot

    Sorry guys, I wasn't able to post apic, but if you go to the home page then go to the power tool section click on the bottom for the Milwaukee page and scroll through till you see it..
  21. MikeyB

    Home Depot

    Jobsite Backpack Model #48-22-8200 Was $99.00 Save 40% $59.00 each Remove from cart
  22. MikeyB

    Home Depot

    {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 HelveticaNeue;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 } Home Depot got the Milwaukee Back Packs for 59:00 normally 99.00..
  23. With Milwaukees 18 volt line it's tempting to cross over, their lights are real nice
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