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Everything posted by MikeyB

  1. Real nice lineup Korno,,, would you know if Makita has a cordless palm sander in the works?
  2. MikeyB


    Welcome to TIA Moxy
  3. I'm hoping for some Festool in the near future
  4. Holy card man, that's a close call... Belt and suspenders next time.....
  5. Ridgid is the best IMO, when I worked in the trade we were not allowed to use aluminum Ridgid pipe wrenches, so we always had the cast. From 8" to 4' ( I believe they make up to 5', then it's chain tongs after that) All the plumbers I see on our jobs these days love the Ridgid Aluminum. I have a pair ( straight and offset) 10" Ridgid pipe wrenches that we're my Grandfathers, one of the best things about Ridgid is when the jaws start to wear out you can replace the jaws without replacing the entire wrench. Nothing like slinging 2' pipe wrenches all day long.... Miss those days .....
  6. Those benches are awesome
  7. Never too old bro, I'm 44 and would love to get into Electrical, I love that trade.... If I could afford the pay cut I would do it
  8. Thanks Rick, I picked one up from Lowes with a couple of boxes of staples, works pretty good, I'm sure it beats hammering staples
  9. I picked one up, it's a pretty decent item for around the house/ garage projects. I cannot see myself buying another one.
  10. BigMike I used what Plumbers call Gem Caps, they sell they at the Depot, they are rubber caps with a hose clamp on the end. On one end I tighten the clamp down and on the opposite end I keep the clamp off, this way I can just pull the cap off the push it back on.
  11. No problem BigMike, I also use the pvc for my SDS bits for my Bosh rotary hammer., cut the pipe so it fits in the case. You can label them for whatever you use them for. One of these days I'm going to pick up some clear pipe this way the contents are easy to view.
  12. I love my Porter Cable Tiger Saws, made up a few Sawzall blade tubes out of 2" and 1 1/2" pvc for blade storage, keeps the blades organized
  13. Great score Toronto, I snagged that drill/impact/ Chirac saw, and that chain saw as well, great products. Don't forget to register your new tools with Makita....
  14. Anyone using this stapler or one similar? Looking to pick one up at the Depot for some Romex wiring I got coming up. Thanks guys
  15. I gotta get one off these boxes,, great setup 99
  16. Great job Nordraw, I noticed the Bosch IBoxx, how do you like it and what do you use it for? Thanks
  17. I like my Makita, but would also highly consider Milwaukee if I was planning on expanding
  18. Keep the faith Dwain, our thoughts and prayers are with you guys
  19. Good to see you back NER, and glad to hear your keeping busy
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