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Justin Hernandez

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Everything posted by Justin Hernandez

  1. Thats awesome how long did it take to get it?
  2. I hear ya, people will do anything to make a quick buck
  3. Thats really nice, if you want something done right you have to make it yourself
  4. I feel poor looking at all your nice lights..lol
  5. They might get 2 pennies scrapping them there made out of steel. I think someone else's meter sockets burned up and they saw that theirs no meter here and they took them to fix their meter. This is a gated community and its crazy that people think that know one would steal anything, but I see just as much wire and ac units stolen as I do else where. They pay HOA fees every month and for what most of the time its the neighbors stealing the stuff. The only protection you need is a shotgun..lol
  6. Ok cool, what I was trying to say was meters are not allowed inside the house but panels are. What company do you work for by the way??
  7. Somebody stole 3 meter sockets off this meter bank I guess they really needed them..lol Oh well at least they didn't steal the wire, I did have to wait 3 weeks to get the parts from the factory that sucked. But I got to work it live so that made up for the waiting time, I love working on things with live power it makes me feel alive and I get to wear my gloves and safety gear. The first picture shows the missing parts and the second pic is with the new sockets installed.
  8. You can't even have a meter can outside??
  9. Haha, That's the only thing old computers parts are good for
  10. You can't even put it inside the house even if you wanted to we have no basements in Florida, and panels cannot be installed in bathrooms, bedrooms, or kitchens. The indoor panel is usually in a hallway here I guess if our code allowed it you can put the meter in the hallway too but you would hit your shoulder on the meter every time you walk by it..lol My whole state is like that on some old homes we have to move the meters out of outdoor utility closets. You have to have 36 inches of clearance in front of the meter or panel required by NEC. Only apartment buildings, condos and commercial buildings have indoor meter rooms
  11. This is whats called a meter combo it has a main breaker to kill power to the whole house and you can install additional breakers for outside circuits. We are not allowed to have meters inside homes here and these meter combos are required on all new homes. This is for the safety of fire fighters in case of a fire they can shut power off to the whole house before walking inside or spraying water. Older homes just have a meter can outside and they still steal the wire and you can't stop people from kicking the front door down.
  12. Yup, cages are a must for ac units, water backflow preventers and electrical meters. I told them before I left the first time that they need to put a cage on but they didn't want to spend the money. I usually have the cage installed the same day after I finish my work.
  13. Thanks man I try It was an Investor and they always want things done cheap, I hate working for them.
  14. Haha, somebody almost stole an ac unit out of the back of my truck one time. I had a hammer in my hand when I was walking back to my truck to get something and I saw him opening the tailgate so I yelled at him and threw my hammer. I was close to hitting him in the head missed by a few inches but he ran away so fast I started laughing. I had to discount the price the second time which really sucked I didn't even want to do the job :/
  15. Its still in the 90's and rains everyday, we also have the remnants of Tropical storm Erika making a mess right now. Some people even lost power from the storm which was a surprise to me, I set up three generators this morning. I even loaned out my generator to a good customer of mine
  16. Copper theft is a problem here and all over the world, water pipes, wire, ac units are all being scrapped for cash. Its all the abandoned houses and foreclosures that are being hit the hardest and even some homes that are occupied. I've had my work stolen many times but this time was just crazy my feeders (wire) were stolen over night I had just wired it up a few hours before. So the wire was stolen twice on this house the first time was because the house was a foreclosure and then the wire I put in was stolen the same day I put it in. The first picture shows the remains of my first set of feeders, second picture is the remains of the indoor panel, third picture is my second set of feeders. This work is expensive It was a 50 foot pull and it had to be done twice!! The crazy thing was that I wired this house up twice in less then 24 hours.
  17. Update on this job nothing has happened..lol I got the permits and my work with inspection done but that's it. There is 4 insurance companies involved with this and none of them want to pay one claims wear and tear, another says its not part of the structure so its not covered. Its a mess and the people are still living there with no power, can't do any work unless someone pays.
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