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Posts posted by BMack37

  1. 4 hours ago, JimboS1ice said:

    My knipex have arrived...

    Hands off Bmack their mine!


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    haha, man I should have ordered more than the 6" pliers wrench and the 70 degree bent pliers, I think Sears has the 10" which means with points I can get it for free. I have the others already ;) Love the needle nose and the cutters are the best I've ever owned, no contest.

  2. 3 hours ago, JimboS1ice said:



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    Some stores actually have it for cheaper, think $80 was the lowest. Hoping mine drops that low, both my HD's are over $150

  3. I wonder if anyone has had good results with chemical etching tools, that might look pretty cool and probably able to be polished out if you want to resell(assuming that you don't have to worry about theft, and you're marking just to eliminate confusion). Probably could do the same thing with media blasting, both would need masking to work obviously.

  4. I don't mark my tools but I think if I did I'd go with stamps/punch just because you don't need to be able to draw or have good handwriting for it to look good. http://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-6611-16-Inch-Letter-36-Piece/dp/B0037USPUM

    Could put initials, or simply just a single character(like an "@" or whatever). I cannot comment on the quality of the linked tool set. Here's the punctuation set: http://www.amazon.com/TEKTON-6607-32-Inch-Punctuation-9-Piece/dp/B00ARD3HXM

    • Like 1
  5. I've thought about buying one myself, it seems like a nice little tool. I built myself a helping hands with alligator clips, copper wire and part of a tv stand I cannibalized...but that obviously is going to have its limitations.

    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, BK13 said:

    Gotta up my game in the 1/2 and 3/4" sizes...

    I was just thinking that recently. In fact, I bought a Kobalt Williams 1/2" ratchet last week, should be here soon. I don't really have much use for 3/4" but I certainly am under equipped in 1/2"...only have a 1/2" breaker bar, 3/8" to 1/2" adapter and some(but not a complete set of) 1/2" sockets. Need to pick up a 1/2" torque wrench too. I let a shop install my wheels after getting new tires and after having a flat I realized they really over-torqued my wheels.

  7. 3 hours ago, JimboS1ice said:

    I had the set of the 7, 10, and 12 sitting in my cart too... Ugh you guys are really killing me with this one


    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Did you notice those 10" Cobras are about $10 off? Really useful tool. :D

  8. 1 hour ago, JimboS1ice said:

    It going to be just like when I bought my rachets, I go from looking at 1 3/8" Rachet to buying two sets!


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    But those plier wrenches are like $20 off! :D

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, JimboS1ice said:

    Those look sweet


    just got some superlube as well!

    Don't forget to lube the Craftsman, you'll probably see the most drastic change on that ratchet. It will make it a suitable spare ratchet, the sound of it was the first thing I noticed in your video.

    • Like 1
  10. On most forums I'd like the negative button but not here. So I agree with everyone else, let's keep it positive...we're getting an influx of new members and I'd like to keep the same positive tone as the forum grows, this isn't a forum of individuals it's a community of friends. When we disagree, we listen to eachother's viewpoints and accept that not everyone is going to feel the same on all subjects, we don't fight like children.

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  11. The media certainly isn't helping the issue, basically making these people famous. Which is the last thing you want to offer to people that feel like they're invisible nobodies.


    Also, lots of catch and release on gun traffickers, which are one of the biggest problems in states like Illinois. Don't pay your taxes, long prison sentence...traffic illegal firearms to criminals, a few weeks of jail time and a plea bargain release for information.

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