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Posts posted by SetBuilder

  1. 35 minutes ago, Conductor562 said:

    Our house had a 26-28' flag pole in the front yard when we moved in. Problem is, the halyard was gone. We've always planned on restringing it, but just never got around to it.


    Today I decided to give it a go. Probably not the best day to do it with a 20 mph wind, but we made do.




    Without getting a lift, there just wasn't a good way to go about it. I've got a 24' ladder, but the pole is pretty wobbly when you get higher up. I basically put a hook on the end of the rope, fed it through the eye bolt at the top, and used another stick with an eye bolt on the end to pull it down.






    This sounds easier than it was, mostly because of the wind, but it definitely took some trial and error.

    Beautiful property and views and a house came with it? 

  2. 5 hours ago, rrmccabe said:

    I cant speak for all the all the sanders but the Festool I bought works great and the dust collection is amazing.  I have a couple nice Bosch sanders and would consider them equal in sanding abilities but not for dust.


    I will probably add another Festool sander in the future. Festool has over complicated their sander line so I am undecided. Sandpaper for that matter is just as confusing.


    Thanks for the info on the Black systainer. I did nto pay much attention to the Pro 5 as I was not sure it was a serious Festool product at the time.


    After buying this http://www.festoolproducts.com/power-tools/festool-sanders/festool-571903-ets-150-3-eq-random-orbital-sander.html I see no reason to own a 5in orbital sander. This was my first Festool Purchase and I have never looked back :)

  3. 23 hours ago, Conductor562 said:

    Today I reached a milestone. I've been toying with buying a new biscut joiner for awhile now. I haven't had much time for woodworking over the last couple of years, but as I've been getting back into it, I've got a little catching up to do.


    Today I ordered the Dewalt DW682K:




    I was torn between this and the PC 557, actually liked the 557 a little better, but I just didn't like it $50 more. 


    The milestone is that by ordering this, I've gotten rid of my last Harbor Freight power tool. Good riddance. It was crudely functional, but that's about as positive as I can be.




    I parlayed my saving on the biscuit joiner into a set of Kreg setup bars:




    I was torn between these and the Carter F.A.S.T. bars, but I chose these as they are geared more toward router setup whereas the Carters are designed more for a bandsaw. 




    What do you plan on using the biscuit joiner for? I can't decide if I "Need" one or not :) I have borrowed one at work a few times. But I also have used a slot bit to do the job.  http://www.homedepot.com/p/Makita-1-8-in-Carbide-Tipped-3-Flute-Router-Bit-Slot-Cutter-with-1-4-in-Shank-733126-4A/205317457  I'm just kicking different ideas around.  The slot bits we have at work have bearings on both sides of the cutter.

  4. 13 minutes ago, khariV said:

    Lmao!  Did you just have extra teak lying about?


    Yes, I made it from scraps left over from a job. I also found the aluminum channel in the scrap section of the metal shop.  Its amazing the materials we have laying around. 


    Even the Empty labels for our oxygen and acetylene tanks are first class :)


    • Like 3
  5. 12 hours ago, KnarlyCarl said:

    how much foam to remove are we talking?

    You may want to get the foamzall... 

    Think i'm joking? We actually have it at work





    I never knew they made a sawzall blade like that. We always have the metal shop weld a bunch together...

    The round tool with handle is typically a sculpting tool.

  6. A cut above. 

    Tug Blocks

    Tug cutting blocks

    Chef Board, your fine cutlery deserves a board as quality as your knives.


    or is your board worthy of your knives.


    dont trust your knives to just any board. That's why fine chefs choose Chefs board.




    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, ChrisK said:

    Dude, may as$ just clamped shut! Yeeeesh! I'd have to change my diapers using that thing. You sir...you have brass balls.

    I'm all for keeping my fingers. There was two clamps on it in opposing directions. It felt super solid. Only worry was getting fingers too close to the bit.

  8. 59 minutes ago, rrmccabe said:

    I understand the clutter comment. However, I go to great lengths to organize it so it does not look like clutter.  Not to mention when everything has a custom built hanger it has a place and easier to put away and keep shop clean.

    I should think more about a Systainer for disc storage. Right now it would take several of them though as I have 5", 6" and triangle detail disc.





    I just don't like looking at "clutter " 

    All the stickers on your tool box would drive me nuts. While you made beautiful open tool storage. I would prefer cabinet doors on them. Not judging, just my weird OCD. 

    I recently bought some acrylic piano hinges on eBay to make acrylic storage boxes. 

    My shop throws away a lot of small scraps. See through boxes could be nice.

    • Like 1
  9. 5 hours ago, Jronman said:

    @SetBuilder wow. Great job as always. Looks like a lot to get done for a convention. Was this build a one crew build or did it take multiple crews?

    The first one was made by one crew but they had a lot more time.


    The one we are currently building had people from different crews helping out as it was all made in a week. As we began installing pieces, there were people at the shop still building. 


    I cant post pics of it finished, but will link to the ads when they come out. The set looks incredible. 

  10. This was at least 40 years ago. My dad was using a Milwaukee right angle drill while wearing gloves. He went to brush the curly cues away with his hand and the bit caught the glove. By the time the old Milwaukee wound down it pulled his pinky off. 


    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, rrmccabe said:

    What is your primary use for it?


    I have a dewalt compact router which has never had anything but a round-over bit in it. Works great and my most used router.


    No dust collection though which is OK.


    Small round overs, laminate / veneer work, morticing door hinges. I'm leaning towards the bosch colt or looking for a deal on eBay for for a PC7301. If the new bosch came out I would grab that.

    I'm not really concerned about dust collection as my home shop is open air.

  12. 3 hours ago, Grumpy MSG said:

    If you actually look at the newer PC compact router and the DeWALT  you will see some serious similarities the only difference aside from the color is the DeWALT has an LED which the Porter-Cable doesn't, have a look: https://www.woodcraft.com/categories/routers?brand[]=Porter+Cable&brand[]=DeWalt&hp[]=1.25+HP


    At work we have 6 carpentry crews. Each crew has a Knaack box 129 for shop tools. Each crew gets 2 PC 690s either a 7539 or a 7518 and 2 trim routers either a PC 450 or PCE6435. The crew I'm on also has a Dewalt in the box. I agree, the dewalt is pretty much identical to the PC 450. 

    • Like 1
  13. I only use 2 amp red lithium batteries on my impacts to save weight. I have 4, 5 amp but I use them for circular saw, drills, sawzall etc. 

    I only had one instance where the power cut out but like I said, it was a large bolt.


    What size screws are you driving when it happens?

    My 2757 has more power, but I rarely use it since buying the Surge.


    Im my work I'm mainly driving 1 3/4 to 3 in drywall screws. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, BababooeyHTJ said:

    Is the torque cut off in this video normal operation? Mine does it too. Even with larger wood screws and I'm not even talking about 1/4 lags. It's kind of annoying.



    The video is way too long and slow for me to watch. The only time I ever had the torque cut off was when I was trying to loosen a nut on a 1/2 in bolt. It was just beyond the capabilities of the gun.

    Ive driven 5 and 6in screws into 2x4s and 4x4s with no issues. 

  15. 2 hours ago, ChrisK said:

    Nice job bro. Probably will be making one myself in the spring. Oh....love cleaning the coop. Sooooo much fun.

    I'll have the metal shop make a pull out aluminum tray and I might make the bunk floors out of acrylic for easy cleaning. It's nice to have a lot of different materials on hand.

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