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Damn-it California


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Our Governor just signed into law more anti-gun legislation. Now anything with a detachable magazine is illegal. Also, not allowed to buy ammunition outside the state of California & when you do buy ammo, your put on a watch list. 


Liberals keep creating laws that restrict Americans rights. The balls on this guy to make a law that contradicts the 2nd amendment on 4th of July weekend.


Theres a lot more restrictions then the the few I mentioned but none of them would prevent a criminal from doing harm with a weapon.


These new restrictions won't work & the liberal government will be back next year to take away more rights.  


Sorry for the rant but I feel like America is distorting itself and no one cares. 

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TIA doesn't typically pull threads. We're all big boys & girls. My intention isn't to bash on any individuals, just our collectively screwed up administration. 


Freedom of speech is another right the liberals have chipped away. The right to offend is essential to our freedom of speech. When speech is censored it's because an authority dictates the speech offensive. This is an opinion based decision that's subject to bias.


If the authority is corrupt and wishes to suppress the people, topics are deemed taboo. China, North Korea, Russia.. All examples of dictators restricting free speech. In NK you dare not speak against Kim. It's 'offensive' and will get you thrown in jail.


An argument can be made that hate speech should be censored but even the ACLU protects the freedoms of bigots.


Obviously harassment and 'fighting words' are not protected under free speech.


ironically it's most often the extreme left who react with violence and propose restrictions on those with opposing views.

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4 hours ago, Hugh Jass said:

This thread likely won't last long, but I fully agree. California always seems to be at the forefront of ridiculous legislation. 

As long as the post doesn't turn into a political post it won't get pulled. Political posts are directly against the rules. On behalf of the guys who do moderate this post, on our own time, unpaid and after having been members for several years, we don't just pull posts unless there is a basis for it. It ain't easy on us because we don't look for problems and we are active members. Problems just seem to pop up when somebody acts like a moron. Then we, the moderators. Have to take a post down. Normally this follows a general concensus from the moderators or Eric and Dan. Then I could to put my name on the debacle and lock the post down. It ain't fun but like my day job, I can't fix stupid. People do something and I have to fix it.


Sorry for the soap box but when people say a thread won't last long, it ain't easy on us to make the decision. I have had my fair share of crap after some moron has posted something and I have had to take an action.


For instance........


California is a Moron. If I could, I would delete their actions.


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3 hours ago, EEtwidget said:

TIA doesn't typically pull threads. We're all big boys & girls. My intention isn't to bash on any individuals, just our collectively screwed up administration. 


Freedom of speech is another right the liberals have chipped away. The right to offend is essential to our freedom of speech. When speech is censored it's because an authority dictates the speech offensive. This is an opinion based decision that's subject to bias.


If the authority is corrupt and wishes to suppress the people, topics are deemed taboo. China, North Korea, Russia.. All examples of dictators restricting free speech. In NK you dare not speak against Kim. It's 'offensive' and will get you thrown in jail.


An argument can be made that hate speech should be censored but even the ACLU protects the freedoms of bigots.


Obviously harassment and 'fighting words' are not protected under free speech.


ironically it's most often the extreme left who react with violence and propose restrictions on those with opposing views.

Well dude, I am really sorry to read about this. Personally, after many years of public service...my problems with guns being wielded by angry crazy lunatic people that have the right to carry has been limited. Unfortunately the ones that should not have them? Well that's been a problem. I am a big believer in our second amendment rights. A big believer.  The irony is not lost on me when I say I personally do not own any firearms.



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7 hours ago, EEtwidget said:

Our Governor just signed into law more anti-gun legislation. Now anything with a detachable magazine is illegal. Also, not allowed to buy ammunition outside the state of California & when you do buy ammo, your put on a watch list. 


Liberals keep creating laws that restrict Americans rights. The balls on this guy to make a law that contradicts the 2nd amendment on 4th of July weekend.


Theres a lot more restrictions then the the few I mentioned but none of them would prevent a criminal from doing harm with a weapon.


These new restrictions won't work & the liberal government will be back next year to take away more rights.  


Sorry for the rant but I feel like America is distorting itself and no one cares. 

I feel your pain. I'm dealing with the same BS in NY right now.

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So does this only apply to new firearm purchases? I love just plinking away with my .22 and it's old and has this history and I would have to modify somehow to eliminate the magazine? Make it permanently attached, somehow able to feed clips into the gun, boom loophole!!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

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24 minutes ago, DaveJr. said:

I feel your pain. I'm dealing with the same BS in NY right now.

You guys have been getting hosed in NY longer than I can remember. A year and a half for a permit? In NH it's five days. Period.

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I'm familiar with forum moderation, I've owned and operated my own as well as global moderated others...but when a thread usually starts off as a rant against liberals, it's already political. I wasn't suggesting the moderation is too strong or anything, it's just the internets status quo. 


I would like to think we could have a conversation about anything on this forum, in fact I'd like for their to be a debate section where all topics could be discussed as a subforum of the off topic forum personally so people could feel free to not try to walk on eggs on delicate topics for fear of risk of warnings or locked threads. Debate is where the rubber meets the road and people get to actually have valid discussion on things that actually matter. Without this I feel like it's propagation of misinformation or generational/hereditary opinion, which is why this plane has lost engine 2 and is losing altitude in the first place. 

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9 minutes ago, Hugh Jass said:

I'm familiar with forum moderation, I've owned and operated my own as well as global moderated others...but when a thread usually starts off as a rant against liberals, it's already political. I wasn't suggesting the moderation is too strong or anything, it's just the internets status quo. 


I would like to think we could have a conversation about anything on this forum, in fact I'd like for their to be a debate section where all topics could be discussed as a subforum of the off topic forum personally so people could feel free to not try to walk on eggs on delicate topics for fear of risk of warnings or locked threads. Debate is where the rubber meets the road and people get to actually have valid discussion on things that actually matter. Without this I feel like it's propagation of misinformation or generational/hereditary opinion, which is why this plane has lost engine 2 and is losing altitude in the first place. 

It's an open door dude. Feel free to leave.

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1 hour ago, Hugh Jass said:

Geez why is everyone so sensitive the last couple of days? Man I love this place, I was just making a suggestion for an extra forum. I made no demands, I gave no criticisms. Whats up? 

Dude, feel free to email me. You you just bashed this forum in this post. You bashed another member in another post. Your self deprecating "oh go ahead and ban me" bs attitude from your last post can go elsewhere. For some reason your still allowed to stand on your soapbox without anyone freezing your account. So, if you want to start another forum...please do so. I'm sure you can come up with a place where everyone gets along. In the interim, please feel free to email me, Eric, Dan. DR99 or Regopit. 

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You're reading something into my post that I'm not intending Chris! I'm not bashing this place or anyone. I'm not asking anyone to ban me. I'm sitting here with a positive attitude wondering what it is exactly you think I was implying?! 


So let me clarify. I was making a suggestion for a subforum where topics like this could be discussed freely. That's all. I don't expect it will actually happen, I'm just conversing that more often than not these topics get somebody in trouble (I'm literally falling on my own sward here and accidently proving my own point) I think this forum is great in every way, I love it here and I have no problems with anyone until today. 

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Come on guys, Lets not start attacking Hugh Jass. Keep your conversation pointed at the topic vs a person. I should clarify though; I don't hate liberals, I think I even married one. What I hate are people so far left or right they reject the possibility the "other side" might have worth. It just so happens that in this case, and in many others.. It's the liberal extremist causing problems.


As far as being able to talk politics, people in general are incapable of having a civil conversation when they hold opposite opinion. It's often best to keep politics out of the conversation to preserve civility. Ironically you can't have civility without an open forum. I guess I should of taken my own advice..



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6 hours ago, KnarlyCarl said:

So does this only apply to new firearm purchases? I love just plinking away with my .22 and it's old and has this history and I would have to modify somehow to eliminate the magazine? Make it permanently attached, somehow able to feed clips into the gun, boom loophole!!

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

Under these laws there is no grandfather clause. If you have a magazine with a capacity over 10 rounds, its a felony. Even if packed away and locked in a sealed concrete coffin. (10+ round magazines have been illegal for awhile but there was a grandfather clause that allowed the possession of 'high capacity magazines' if bought before Jan 1 2000)


Its even illegal to lend your gun to a friend.

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2 hours ago, EEtwidget said:

Come on guys, Lets not start attacking Hugh Jass. Keep your conversation pointed at the topic vs a person. I should clarify though; I don't hate liberals, I think I even married one. What I hate are people so far left or right they reject the possibility the "other side" might have worth. It just so happens that in this case, and in many others.. It's the liberal extremist causing problems.


As far as being able to talk politics, people in general are incapable of having a civil conversation when they hold opposite opinion. It's often best to keep politics out of the conversation to preserve civility. Ironically you can't have civility without an open forum. I guess I should of taken my own advice..



I am thinking that is why politics are not allowed on the forums. Very touchy subject matter. 

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4 hours ago, EEtwidget said:

Under these laws there is no grandfather clause. If you have a magazine with a capacity over 10 rounds, its a felony. Even if packed away and locked in a sealed concrete coffin. (10+ round magazines have been illegal for awhile but there was a grandfather clause that allowed the possession of 'high capacity magazines' if bought before Jan 1 2000)


Its even illegal to lend your gun to a friend.

Is it a felony though if it isn't federal law? Do they have a buy back or at least a surrender program in place?

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9 minutes ago, Stercorarius said:

Is it a felony though if it isn't federal law? Do they have a buy back or at least a surrender program in place?

The state still allows for the law to be a felony. Think of it this way, the Federal laws can tell you what is wrong. The State cannot make that law not wrong but they CAN restrict it further. A good example is the legalization of drugs. The Feds have said its illegal. Some states have said its not. This is a direct conflict with the federal laws so therefore the Feds can take action against an individual state for violating federal law. Normally these actions involve the retraction of federal monies dispersed to a state. The Feds are always cautious to take direct actions against a State. Not good for the Feds reputation (i.e. Political suicide). 

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