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The saw stop really works!


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I guess the mentality of today's society is different than it was 20-30 years ago. If I'd called my dad and told I'd lost a finger in a shop class accident he'd have said "Won't do that again will you?".

Of course I come from an era where things like 2nd hand smoke, seat belts, school shootings, bullying, and trans fat, were of no concern to anyone.

Conductors Dad would say:

Too fat? Join the football team

Getting bullied? Hit him in the nose or with a big rock

Seat belts? Pussies and old women wear seat belts!

Car seat? Jesus Christ Karen, he's almost 2 years old!

2nd hand smoke causes cancer? Ah Hell, every fucking thing causes cancer these days. I didn't kill me

You cut your finger off? Way to go. What are you crying about? Put some Merthiolate on it.

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Conductor: What's that white powder in those mason jars in the garage?

Conductors Dad: Agent Orange

Conductor: Like the shit that messed up all those guys in Vietnam?

Conductors Dad: Same shit

Conductor: Didn't the outlaw that shit because it was too dangerous?

Conductors Dad: Ah Hell, they outlaw everything that fucking works. Probably those Commie bastards in California. You wanna be Captain fucking Planet, or do you wanna kill that brush? I can put your ass out there with a weedeater and a hatchet, doesn't matter to me.

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Oh this causes cancer in California, good thing we aren't in California.

We actually had a kid cut off two fingers on a miter saw before. He just cut one off but then he went to show the shop teacher, he asked how did you do that. The kid said like this, and cut off another finger just to show him how.

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Oh this causes cancer in California, good thing we aren't in California.

We actually had a kid cut off two fingers on a miter saw before. He just cut one off but then he went to show the shop teacher, he asked how did you do that. The kid said like this, and cut off another finger just to show him how.

No way!!!!!!!!!!

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I guess the mentality of today's society is different than it was 20-30 years ago. If I'd called my dad and told I'd lost a finger in a shop class accident he'd have said "Won't do that again will you?".

Of course I come from an era where things like 2nd hand smoke, seat belts, school shootings, bullying, and trans fat, were of no concern to anyone.

Conductors Dad would say:

Too fat? Join the football team

Getting bullied? Hit him in the nose or with a big rock

Seat belts? Pussies and old women wear seat belts!

Car seat? Jesus Christ Karen, he's almost 2 years old!

2nd hand smoke causes cancer? Ah Hell, every fucking thing causes cancer these days. I didn't kill me

You cut your finger off? Way to go. What are you crying about? Put some Merthiolate on it.


Dad why did you and mom name me Carroll. Yon know that you are named after my brother.

I know but it sucks you know hard it is in school with that name?

Look at the bright side you learned how to fight and take care of yourself. Whats the problem

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Dad why did you and mom name me Carroll. Yon know that you are named after my brother.

I know but it sucks you know hard it is in school with that name?

Look at the bright side you learned how to fight and take care of yourself. Whats the problem

Carroll isn't too bad. I knew a guy named Ashley :lol:

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