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I got the new motherboard today but I didn't do the proper research and got the wrong socket. Amazon search can be a real pain in the ass. I should warranty it but computer parts can take weeks. If it was a video card I would throw a cheap one or an extra till I can get going again. A motherboard is so central to your computer it sucks you basically have to rip the whole pc down. It would be a good time to upgrade but I don't really need to nor have the extra money.

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Well DR, Samantha and I have a hand me down laptop in our new office / guest bedroom / former master bedroom and I think I've turned it on maybe three or four times in the last six months. I do pretty much everything from my iPhone 6+ and iPad Air. Kinda nice sitting on the couch holding the iPad, watching tv, sipping coffee.....ahhhhhhhhh.....besides, they don't call it windows for nothing. I'd huck that plastic piece right out a window!!!!!

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It's weird how you have to have a sleep ritual. Some people read, It used to be tv I don't think that is popular as it used to be though. You know a generation when to bed with Johnny Carson. The world changed alot from the 90's on. Things changed in the 60 70 80s but not to the level like we have now. You didnt get a new phone or computer every few years. It was a slower time is the best way i can put it

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I need to put together a new box soon. My desktop is still running a Socket 939 AMD chip! Actually, I think I might look at more of a server setup... I have 55,000+ audio tracks a a couple of TBs of movies, and I think I want to be able to stream media files to anywhere in the house (okay, garage) that has a tablet/smartphone/laptop...

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ya we are computer house have a main system connected in the theatre room as a server then laptops all over the place, along with smart phone tablets ect ect wife and I both have laptops and there is one in our bedroom connected to the tv there as well anything on any laptop can be viewed/played on any of them only 1 tower the rest are laptops.......all laptops are equipped with SSD drives.......best thing since the internet.........

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I don't game as much so having the latest and greatest is kinda lost on me. Plus the biggest benefit for gaming is to upgrade the video card over anything else. Well getting an SSD was one of the best things ever too I will say platter drives are for losers on boot/app drives.

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I am with DR when I am doing important, sensitive, or secure things I like my laptop/desktop, I only like my tablet and phones for the simple things like web browsing and simple apps, but if I am doing banking or stuff like that I'd rather not fat finger my bank account empty. O0


My girlfriend does everything on her ipad/iphone and sometime she just yells at it when it doesn't work correctly, I just tell her to use her laptop that is on her lap lol

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I don't game as much so having the latest and greatest is kinda lost on me. Plus the biggest benefit for gaming is to upgrade the video card over anything else. Well getting an SSD was one of the best things ever too I will say platter drives are for losers on boot/app drives.

My old tower had a Western Digital Raptor drive as a boot drive. The new one will have some form of SSD boot drive, and a RAID array of some sort... Assuming I don't just get a NAS instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That sucks, what kind of board are you getting? 

I ended up getting an Asrock z77 board it was the newest I could get that would still run my cpu. I found out that the motherboard I had has a high failure rate from newegg from what I read I was lucky/unlucky in that My board lasted as long as it did some only last a few months before they boot loop. I'm sort of back up and running I just need to finish things up on the rig drivers and tidy up the inside. I wish it was something else as replacing a motherboard is the worst you have to basically take the whole pc apart.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For any of you guys that want to build a PC and make sure you get compatible components the first time, this site really helped me when I built my desktop... https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/. It has price comparison and everything. Sometimes the prices don't update immediately, but it's definitely a life saver. Especially since some places won't let you return opened PC parts

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