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Comp56's Wooden Runway Debut Video Milwaukee 2703-22


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Sorry about criticizing you with my second post here, but it needs some work. The camera keeps wobbling side to side, and your lighting really needs help. Also zoom back some so that we can at least see the entire tool as you are talking about it. If you need to show something close up, either take a second video of the close up shot and edit it in, or just hold the tool closer to the camera. Your voice is great for video but it needs to flow better with less pausing. The way it comes across is that you have a cue card that you are reading from, then you pause as you go to the next card.


I've seen far worse out there and would give this video a thumbs up if I saw it. Though I'm not sure what the video shows me that I couldn't learn just from going to the Milwauke site. I personally can't stand videos that show me only what I can find out on the company website. If I am going to want to see more videos from a specific person I need to know what the tool is capable of, or what the person may have personally found appealing about the tool. Show me some action shots to give me an idea of capability.

Stuff we do for fun here, comp put a great twist on the statistics yea you could read off a box but why would I want to when I got that sexy voice, this is tools in action not Hollywood, nothing we do is perfect but at least we can have some fun with it.

@comp56 can't stress it enough bro, huge fan of your vids, even if your reading a cue card!


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Well your writing is informative, you just need to work on your tact, it was borderline troll. There's a fine line sometimes between giving friendly advice and sounding deprecating, that's what@Kato is for lol, he is the crews unofficial photography expert.


That one channel you mentioned shall not be named here, there is a bad history between him and TIA apparently. I think his testing is bogus and useless to me, a professional plumber who couldn't care less about the number of holes a drill can go through on a charge, I want the honest opinions on a tool, how it handles, how it feels, I need the human side to come into the equation. He's dedicated to his testing I'll give him that, but it does me no good the information he gets from his test, same with any manufacturer that touts their drill does so many holes or their saw cuts so many boards. That's me tho.....

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1 hour ago, MikeInCtown said:

I guess I misunderstood the reasoning behind the video then. I apologize. I also realize it was your first one but the critique about lighting, voice work, and camera should stand regardless.


Regarding the equipment, check out other YT videos about lighting setups and video mounts. You can get a really nice lighting setup for like $55 off of Amazon if your shop lights aren't good enough. (in the past when I've needed extra light for something i would lean shop lights against walls to get lighting where I need) Likewise, I'm sure you can get some type of holder for your cell phone cheap enough. Your voice is perfect and I'm surprised it isn't done on a separate mic and mixed in. if it was then great job on that. just need to flow a bit better.


With lighting, you want to move things around so you don't get the glare on the part you are trying to show. You also want to avoid the dark shadows off to the sides as well, or at least have the entire tool covered in light. Just set your item to be talked about in the middle and move your lights around to see where the best location is for each shot. It really seems to take 3 or more lights with diffusers from different directions to avoid harsh shadows and glare.




Facility manager and maintenance guy for a living, Photographer as a hobby, and I have watched a crap ton of videos in the last x months while doing research on what brand to buy into next as I had abandoned Makita because of their poor warranty.


I too am working on my first video. I have the luxury of having a very nice tripod for video, but am stuck using my EOS M for the video itself. After much research I bought a Zoom H1 recorder and a Sony clip on mic to attach to the Zoom. I've literally made 2 dozen practice runs trying to get something done better each time. My one constant problem at the moment is lighting. Without proper lighting, videos just suck. (That photography hobby taught me something at least)


A couple examples people have probably seen;

The tools in Action guys have good lighting and they have their clip on mics so they are clear and don't have to shout at a camera. Their one problem is that with two people talking and being on video, they can't or won't zoom in on the product and explain all the features. I also wish they did more testing rather than just tell me what the tool specs are.




As I'm sure you know, there is a fine line between sounding like you are reading off of a card and sounding like everything that you say is memorized and flowing smoothly. The trick is to poractice enough so that your speeches sound like you are confident and know what you are talking about.


In regards to the video postings, the guys on TiA are a good group of guys and like to post videos in the forum, to the forum. Myself included. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and we all know this. Comp specifically asked for opinions so there you go. I guess hearing a strong opinion from a new member is a bit of a surprise to say the least but opinions are just that....opinions.


Also, I am modifying your post. Any mention of that other site is strictly prohibited. I will follow up with a PM.

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32 minutes ago, KnarlyCarl said:

Well your writing is informative, you just need to work on your tact, it was borderline troll. There's a fine line sometimes between giving friendly advice and sounding deprecating, that's what@Kato is for lol, he is the crews unofficial photography expert.


That one channel you mentioned shall not be named here, there is a bad history between him and TIA apparently. I think his testing is bogus and useless to me, a professional plumber who couldn't care less about the number of holes a drill can go through on a charge, I want the honest opinions on a tool, how it handles, how it feels, I need the human side to come into the equation. He's dedicated to his testing I'll give him that, but it does me no good the information he gets from his test, same with any manufacturer that touts their drill does so many holes or their saw cuts so many boards. That's me tho.....

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Well since I don't know any history I just mentioned the username of the person who did the videos. I'm not sure if they have their own forum or not, nor do I care. I'm only looking for good produced reviews and information. (which is part of the reason I joined here) As I tried to clarify my original post, I really hope the troll comment gets rethought because it was certainly not my intention. In a world of 6+ billion people, I'm sure there is plenty of room for everyone to be seen and heard. My intention was to provide an honest explanation of why I said what I did in my original post.


Like i said, even with that other person, I really wish they would talk about how the tool felt or what may have been noticed. For example I am getting used to a new impact driver and I noticed that the battery is sloppy side to side on the impact but not on the drill. I've noticed other reviews claiming how well everything fits, so my obvious conclusion is that manufacturing tolerances for Milwaukee are fairly wide and I would note this on a video. However, to MANY people, the number of holes a tool can make on a charge is a serious consideration. if you can go all day on a single charge of the battery while getting every project complete then it deserves consideration.



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Facility manager and maintenance guy for a living, Photographer as a hobby, and I have watched a crap ton of videos in the last x months while doing research on what brand to buy into next as I had abandoned Makita because of their poor warranty.


I too am working on my first video. I have the luxury of having a very nice tripod for video, but am stuck using my EOS M for the video itself. After much research I bought a Zoom H1 recorder and a Sony clip on mic to attach to the Zoom. I've literally made 2 dozen practice runs trying to get something done better each time. My one constant problem at the moment is lighting. Without proper lighting, videos just suck. (That photography hobby taught me something at least)


A couple examples people have probably seen;

The tools in Action guys have good lighting and they have their clip on mics so they are clear and don't have to shout at a camera. Their one problem is that with two people talking and being on video, they can't or won't zoom in on the product and explain all the features. I also wish they did more testing rather than just tell me what the tool specs are.


By contrast, RealToolReviews shows close ups done properly with pretty good lighting and vocal pace, but it sounds like he has to shout at the microphone at times. Not sure what he is using for a mic, but I'm thinking it can be easily improved for not much $. He also does GREAT testing and makes it seem very unbiased. The one thing i wish he would do is add in a couple minutes of narration telling us if he noticed any issues or even praises of how a given tool compared to the norm. I mean if I already have 15 minutes invested in a video, then give me 3 more of useful personal experience.


As I'm sure you know, there is a fine line between sounding like you are reading off of a card and sounding like everything that you say is memorized and flowing smoothly. The trick is to poractice enough so that your speeches sound like you are confident and know what you are talking about.

Yea we aren't trying to be dicks or anything but we are a pretty tight not forum here, lot of great guys and knowledge on here. This online community is a lot different than other forums it there, I won't throw any under the bus but comp is very knowledgable and well respected in these forums. Some of us talk to each other more than we talk to some family members on here, just keep that in mind. Like Chris said you are entitled to your opinion and that's all cool and well and we welcome that here, but when someone stirs the pot we generally have each other's back.

So with all a do welcome to the tools in action forum, this is a great friendly place to be, tons of knowledge and experience on here, lots of good people. Hope you stick around!


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Wiggle out of that one my friend hahaha. You have know idea how many hours of diversity and racial profiling I had and had to give. Just breaking them. Lol. Sorry! I think it's the fact he was borne in Italy ( I believe ) and moved to Canada that gives his voice a very distinct sound.

John, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk[emoji848]

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Yeah I made that same mistake before I read This post:




I believe wigwag mentioned that in a periscope one time and I didn't realize what he was talking about at the time, but he was correct, I think I linked a video of his once before


I still stand by my thoughts regarding number of holes drilled on a charge. Does that take into consideration somewhat dull bits, or possibly tight quarters that might bind it a little, or hitting nails, or hitting some foreign object while drilling? No. I think there are too many variables to take those numbers seriously. I get to experience all that and then some, but you might be right, it could mean something to others. Just not me and many like myself that I work with in the trades.


Nice to have you on board, you should post some of your pics in a new topic sometime

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ChrisK you are absolutely right about asking for feed back on my first video, and your right I got what I asked for. Yes I was a little surprised by the amount of negative feed back I got from a new member only because if he knew that I was not trying to post a professional video review produced and directed properly with the exact information needed to satisfy everyone one on the planet, what is it 6+ billion people now?....anyway at first I was a little taken back by it and was a little offended so my first reaction was to fire back with both barrels but now that I read it over a couple times I realize he was only trying to help even thou a little off base because it was not a review just a video but trying to help just the same. 


and oh by the way ChrisK it is Canstralian a small island found about 30 miles off the coast of lake Superior......population of 240, oh wait uncle cliff is missing for the past 3 days now that might be 239....no electricity or internet but we do have running water if you were wondering...lol

5 minutes ago, MikeInCtown said:


 I'm only looking for good produced reviews and information. (which is part of the reason I joined here) 



@ MikeInCtown I too apologize, getting off on the wrong foot it seemed, thank you for your feed back just the same, I hope you can stick around and see that this group is more than just poor videos or reviews as it were......

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Comp you did nothing wrong. I misundestood what you were going for. Sometimes I need to learn to shut my mouth even when I feel the need to really help out. I could have offered my opinions and suggestions in a much nicer way.


Have a deal for you... When I make my first video, I'll post it here first and you pick away at anything you find you would rather see. Only fair. Now if only I could get you to do a voice over of any camera work I have. LOL


Have a great day and I'm honestly looking forward to more videos. I especially enjoy knowing how well balanced things feel, how loud they are, how annoying a certain feature is, etc. From reading it looks like others are the same way. good luck.


<edit> BTW when I told my 15 year old why I was practicing in front of the camera and that I was going to make a review video of the new stuff I bought for work, he started laughing at me. In fact so did my 12 year old. So I think I kind of understand how you felt reading what I said.

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5 minutes ago, KnarlyCarl said:

Yeah I made that same mistake before I read This post:




I believe wigwag mentioned that in a periscope one time and I didn't realize what he was talking about at the time, but he was correct, I think I linked a video of his once before


I still stand by my thoughts regarding number of holes drilled on a charge. Does that take into consideration somewhat dull bits, or possibly tight quarters that might bind it a little, or hitting nails, or hitting some foreign object while drilling? No. I think there are too many variables to take those numbers seriously. I get to experience all that and then some, but you might be right, it could mean something to others. Just not me and many like myself that I work with in the trades.


Nice to have you on board, you should post some of your pics in a new topic sometime

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I tend to agree with you, I know it may be important to some but it is not going to be completely accurate. I might fully charge a battery and start a series of multiple hole's in a new 2"x6" but hold the drill or push differently than someone else and I know I'm not a contractor but I was an industrial boss in the fabrication field for awhile during my career and I know all to well there is nobody on the planet that will grab a drill if it were and drill as fast as they can until a battery dies. There will be at least 15 minutes worth of "what did you do this weekend" or "my wife wants a new car", a smoke or two and 3 drinks of coffee oh and a "how many bloody holes does he want in this friggin 2"x6" anyway?......for it to be accurate.....

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Reading all these posts, leaves me feeling proud to be part of the CREW! Comp. please don't stop posting videos no matter how they look, we just love hearing that voice!!! I'll have you're guys back any day. Thanks. ?[emoji1213]?

John, Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk[emoji848]

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16 minutes ago, comp56 said:

I tend to agree with you, I know it may be important to some but it is not going to be completely accurate. I might fully charge a battery and start a series of multiple hole's in a new 2"x6" but hold the drill or push differently than someone else and I know I'm not a contractor but I was an industrial boss in the fabrication field for awhile during my career and I know all to well there is nobody on the planet that will grab a drill if it were and drill as fast as they can until a battery dies. There will be at least 15 minutes worth of "what did you do this weekend" or "my wife wants a new car", a smoke or two and 3 drinks of coffee oh and a "how many bloody holes does he want in this friggin 2"x6" anyway?......for it to be accurate.....


 All very true. Every review you watch has someone running a huge lag without drilling a pilot hole. No professional I know would do this for fear of splitting the wood and costing themselves a pile of $$ fixing what they just screwed up. It was mentioned about dull bits, running into nails, knots, etc. The problem is that one cannot duplicate this time and time again. There still needs to be a baseline when doing any testing. As long as a person starts with a new bit, blade, or whatever of a given brand for all testing then one can logically assume that one of the few remaining variables is the actual tool itself.


If I was going to test a normal hammer drill I would probably just drill 3/8 holes in all concrete testing as it is a very common size. That said, I need to use the same brand and size bit every time I test a drill in order to get as close unbiased as possible. Even after doing that though i would show the actual tool in use doing some random project so that people watching can get an idea of what the tool can do without some controlled test. And if you have a problem then say so. I don't know anyone, except maybe a company rep who doesn't appreciate honesty if something went wrong.

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10 minutes ago, MikeInCtown said:


 All very true. Every review you watch has someone running a huge lag without drilling a pilot hole. No professional I know would do this for fear of splitting the wood and costing themselves a pile of $$ fixing what they just screwed up. It was mentioned about dull bits, running into nails, knots, etc. The problem is that one cannot duplicate this time and time again. There still needs to be a baseline when doing any testing. As long as a person starts with a new bit, blade, or whatever of a given brand for all testing then one can logically assume that one of the few remaining variables is the actual tool itself.


If I was going to test a normal hammer drill I would probably just drill 3/8 holes in all concrete testing as it is a very common size. That said, I need to use the same brand and size bit every time I test a drill in order to get as close unbiased as possible. Even after doing that though i would show the actual tool in use doing some random project so that people watching can get an idea of what the tool can do without some controlled test. And if you have a problem then say so. I don't know anyone, except maybe a company rep who doesn't appreciate honesty if something went wrong.

just adding to the subject, testing a new tool is great knock out as many variables as possible. now the new drill you just tested did x amount of x but now what is it like 65 full battery charges later? the drill is not going to be new any more but not that old so new tool tests are great but what about longevity of the tool too...... 

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you know come to think of it I pause when I'm talking because I think in Italian try that think in a different language and then speak fast.......not easy.......maybe I will do a video in Italian it will be no good too it will sound like one long word...lol

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Wow, it's amazing how much I miss sometimes, this turned out to be one hell of an interesting thread. It's amazing what happens when you work for a living, you miss half the day...



I've heard of that "Kato" guy, heard he was a real prick. Hopefully he won't show up...probably mess things up in here...

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Wow, it's amazing how much I miss sometimes, this turned out to be one hell of an interesting thread. It's amazing what happens when you work for a living, you miss half the day...



I've heard of that "Kato" guy, heard he was a real prick. Hopefully he won't show up...probably mess things up in here...

You have heard right about that Kato guy, he's a real piece of work! [emoji16]

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