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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Do it....do it man....get into da choppa.....!
  2. Oooooooooohhh Bazinga!!!! Feel the burn I don't get it, I'm not biased. Milwaukee IS better!! I mean Festool is still better than all lower life forms but....
  3. Geez you guys really got slammed this year. So bad in fact wood pellets have been rationed in NH for over a month now because the Canadian suppliers have been frozen out of their job sites! Crazy winter!
  4. Seriously though! Welcome aboard! I want to personally, on behalf of all of NH want to say "Thank you" for the last several storms. Apparently you guys and NJ are getting butt slammed by Mother Nature instead of us so..... Thank you!!!!!!!
  5. Welcome aboard Zack. Funny, lately with all the new members coming on, the same members say the same things. Are we actually attending an AA meeting?? Welcome aboard....I too am an alcoholic. I've been sober two weeks now and......
  6. One day at a time Travis. First Obama Care then Canada
  7. What is it with the freakin spammers?!?
  8. . I wish I had that problem
  9. Up here Pepin, the ground freezes and expands causing the pavement to rise. Normal wear and tear up here but because of the cold temps (-25 -16 -19 etc) for extended periods of time with plenty of moisture, the frost heaves have become massive.my driveway for instance will need to be replaced. I was standing on the day before yesterday and water was bubbling up through the cracks that had appeared this winter.
  10. So...I was driving into the office today to work on a presentation that I am giving tomorrow on school bus security. Apparently I like to wait till the last minute. I was driving down Canterbury Rd in Chichester when the guy in front of me swerved. I thought "must be a dam# turkey" and started to move over. That's when I saw the words " -PANTS- " on a license plate, upside down, poking it's ugly head out of a GIANT frost heave festooned with giant white gouges. This has been one of the coldest snowiest winters in memory and the frost heaves are massive. I've never seen frost heaves this big before. There cannot be bigger frost heaves anywhere in the US right now! Looks like my taxes are going up again to repair all of the roads. I stopped to get the license plate and noticed that there was an entire lower bumper assembly still attached to it, hidden in lowest part of the hole. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha I laughed my As$ off. The guy must've crapped his pants when he hit that one.
  11. Depends on the paper and finish you want. I like variable for fine work it really helps out. But truth be told I normally keep it at max for material removal.
  12. Honestly Carroll, downloaded the picture and showed Samantha. I was laughing my butt off she thought it was a hoot!
  13. But on a brighter side my boss is a tool so I win ?
  14. Once a day for the tools. Day two...no tool
  15. Wow Brien....watch out man. Next thing the 18 line is gonna be on the riise and the BLAM....your background is Red!!!
  16. Oh they are ladies...they so are!!!!
  17. Welcome aboard Taylor's tools
  18. Hahahahahahahahaha that's awesome Carroll!
  19. Hahahahaha....I learned that stuff too after fourteen years of elementary school! Birds and the bees my Snow White New England A$s!!!
  20. I wouldn't mind getting one of those with a snow blower attachment. But my .13 of an acre couldn't justify the mower
  21. ChrisK


    Yup it's pretty close to Epunn Just north of Poitsmuth Heck I'm only 25 minutes Cah ryde from Poitsmuth an 45 to Epunn.
  22. That would be a really sweet tool to have in my M12 line. Plus the added citing capacity with the new 4.0 batteries might prove to be a real winner. That Euro Bosch 12v saw is enticing. C'mon Milwaukee!
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