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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Do that Travis. I'm not a big Boston guy (or Mass...it's a NH thing) but Mass is a great historic area and I actually like the people. Lots of really cool history in Bean Town not to mention many areas in Mass.
  2. Thanks Regopit! I really like the idea of that, not that I'm a pro and have a truck to do it but in the shop it might be worth me trying out. I love my L boxxes and Systainers but having a box I can beat up sounds pretty nice. I'm thinking for my cruiser, taking tools to the barm etc...
  3. So guys....I've seen many pics of this particular line of tool boxes on rail mounted systems, is this built into the box or is it a modification the owner makes?
  4. Welcome aboard Brian, spring has finally sprung fellow. New Englander
  5. It doesn't necessarily mean it's a great product Kato but it does mean your supporting Americans making American products. It also means not supporting a country that is constantly subverting our own products not to mention blatant copyright infringements. That's why I try to stay away from as many products as possible that come from China. Not always easy, not always possible but I do what I can when I can.
  6. I buy made in China only if I have to. If I can buy something made here or in one of our neighboring countries I will buy that item instead but truth be told, the problem is mostly everything including the iPad 4 I'm typing on is Chinese made. With me it's not a "cheap Chinese crap" thing because many items are becoming a quality item, to me it is based on political and ethical reasons. Copyright infringements etc...
  7. Oh when I'm squatting wood side I like a nice fresh roll of Scott's TP takes a ripping and keeps on licking . Never go on a hike without it!
  8. Give me a shout when your up here. I'm an hour and a half from Bean Town. We can tip a Sam Adams and make fun of your funny accent
  9. Good lord.....stay outta Mission Hill in Boston! Try your hand with some Chowda and some Lobstah when yous gets outta the Cah...
  10. ChrisK

    Wise words

    Sorry, didnt mean to rant
  11. ChrisK

    Wise words

    It is funny, I was sitting in the lobby waiting to get into hearings this morning and I read Mustang's response. I have a pretty crappy attitute after the last two years of my life but have learned that the only thing that matters is those educated more than you deserve more than you. Yup guys...suck it. That is the awesome attitude I see from people now adays. I love telling people, yup...I finished High School with a diploma. This past year I went through a pretty painful divorce. I was with my ex-wife for 21 years (not bad for a 43 year old) when out of the blue she left. I was left with a first and second mortgage, car payment and perosnal loan. I worked A LOT last year. I was assaulted at work, over worked, put my wanker on the line (for real- sriously close calls) while working regular duty and details. I made over 10k in over time over the summer so I could refinance my house without ANYONES help (to inlcude my parents). I am the oldest of four boys and am the go to brother and moved out the youngest and never took money from my parents when I left. I really worked hard. I was able to refinance my house, put my dog through months of treatment (he stayed with this sinking ship) and this year...I met a wonderful woman, bought a truck and people think I am overpaid. They dont see that I make a decent check but for me to get anything extra, I have to work my (excuse me for saying this...I dont like to swear) my Lily White New England Ass off to get what I have. People only see what you have not what you have to DO to get what you have. To that I say....kiss my ass. And dont let the fumes from my truck over power your white colar, patheticly weak, always entitled never thankful asses. I dont hang out with people that dont know me because always want to give me crap...where did YOU get that?!?!?! They figure...middle class public servant. What they dont see is in order for me to make great money after 15 years I have to take extra shifts, be away from loved ones and friends and work to get it. I just dont have the temperment for it any more. So my advice for anyone that works for their money...walk away. Smile. Thank God for your fortune and health and the ability to go to work and apply your passions to something that offers a hard earned pay check and remember that that pompous douche probably has a pretty unhappy pathetic, over educated life he is paying for while hard work is working for you. At least for now until Obama and the rest of the entitlement generation finish screwing up the middle class. Then we can all move. Cause God alone knows we wont be able to afford our houses then.
  12. ChrisK

    Wise words

    Thanks Red. That why I love Mike too. He just hit the nail on the head.
  13. Gotcha covered Carroll! Check your email
  14. Not a blasted thing....just, come back again sucker!
  15. My 14 Tundra. Next to my coveted Festool decal
  16. When my Dad moved to Florida 12 years ago, he gave me his 7-1/4" American made Craftsman circular saw. Meh has had that thing since I was a kid. I reworded a cord for it and use it on all my outdoor projects. Not as powerful but it gets the job done after all these years
  17. Wicked cool Pepin! Awesome!
  18. I've had two. I sold my last one last spring. I have my boaters license in NH but no boat right now alas!
  19. I'm partial to the black and blue ones
  20. I am hoping your pleasantly surprised Travis,
  21. Never even heard of the show before. That was an awesome video! Thanks DR!
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