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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Seriously though....that is an awesome fun palace. And smart too!
  2. You WIMP!!!!! Work should never interfere with your happy place!!!!!! If something breaks in there you should use straws, spoons, forks, pieces of straw or chewed gum to temporarily fix it till work day!!!!!! Course my happy place is my work shop C'mon Regopit!!!! For Pete's sake!!!! If a guy breaks into my woodshop I'll have to stab him with a screw driver and hit over the head with a Milwaukee work lamp then use zip ties to hold him there! I've got no guns down there!!!!! Geez.....
  3. You should plant a nice shiney Ivey on the lot line. See how long it takes him to figure it out :>
  4. Well I have been using the same electric black and decker hedge trimmer for fifteen years. It works great and I am floored to say that it's a black and decker but pulling the extension cord a hundred feet to where I use them is a pin in the butt.mive bee thinking about the Ryobi trimmer because of the 18v platform and my want to get the finish nailer in the cheapest fashion possible but ego does have quite the amount of reviewers!
  5. Holy crap Regopit! That's freaking awesome!
  6. I was thinking about an insulated two piece set for home wiring. Thanks for the advice too!
  7. Mustang, how do you like the Wera screwdriver? I was thinking about buying a set.
  8. Well DR...I thought of going down that road myself.....till the Irish kicked in!!!! Hahahahahahahaha
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice....didn't see that! Of course EVERYONE knows Samuel Adams Porch Rocker and Guinness are the best beers.
  10. Kid c'mon....your icon is Popeye eating spinach! Eat a can teach the Be-hotch who's boss!
  11. Nice! That's going to look awesome!
  12. Thanks for the sentiment Carroll and I hope your well! This is going to be a really awesome summer with some great projects lined up. That is if I can get my City to approve a variance but....
  13. Really nice work ETS. What is the main function of the table?
  14. ChrisK

    Kreg Jigs

    I have the Kreg K4 system and have had it for the last 5ish? years. I will say the only thing I wish mine had was the vacuum attachment that the K5 has but to be quite honest, $40 is $40 and I like the clamp in the front on mine so....I'd go K4. Use the saving to buy more screws!
  15. Hey wait a second....all set, I didn't realize I had it in my PM box. Got your address, I'm sending you some in tomorrow's mail. Peace in the East my Undercover Brother from another Mother.... Word
  16. Can't help you with the truck though
  17. Okay Carroll! Send me a PM with your address, I'll send you a few tomorrow! Do it...do it now Carroll!
  18. Got mine too! Thanks guys, you are awesome. Cant wait to find some more places to put them. I was thinking over my bosses mouth but duct tape is less important to me
  19. Thanks Mustang The Tools In Action sticker accomadates the color really well. Maybe thats why I bought it? I worked on three decent interior projects in my home this winter nothing huge but decent in size. This is really my first landscape project ever and Samantha and I painted the plan on the lawn, hit the local green house and really tried planning out this garden. It is a New England garden based on several old Revolutionary War era homes in the area and is part one of two. This one is not quite done, I have to buy a couple of yards of dark mulch and we have several more flowers going in, in addition to the vegetable gardens on the back side of my house and herbal garden in the front where I tore down a roto (beats the heck outta me how to spell it) dengren tree. Next year I will continue the garden in the same curving manner along the side of the house and to the front. There will be a couple of small structures too. Wicked stoked about the project though! This was really fun to work on especially after the unbelievable winter and snow accumulations we had this year. Have fun with your daughters birthday!
  20. Tyler, did you throw him in after them? Haha
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