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Everything posted by Nordraw

  1. Sears drill of some kind or other. Can't remember much about it but it did the job at the time.
  2. Leaf blower man huh? Well, just ad that to the list. Welcome.
  3. Nothing like Dogs huh? Amazing how they can get along like that. Ours are a strange pair to be sure.
  4. Nordraw


    Why would you want AAA batteries? With a powerful light it would eat those batteries up fast. The rechargeable 18650's are the way to go. And a lot cheaper for you to run.
  5. Wow, that sucks. That's why I quit riding bikes. People just don't see you. Hope you get better.
  6. Sears is close to going out of business and it shows. They have been on the list for a few years. They are fighting it but it is just a matter of time.
  7. London, Ohio you have to love that.
  8. Nordraw


    I think it's debatable whether it is worth 15 times the price unless you are a pro. A home owner that just wants to have a caliper around may not want to spend 150 bucks on a nice set. As long as you know what you are getting then you are ok
  9. Nordraw

    My Baby!

    Nice, looks like you go by the "5S" rules in tool organization. Nice box
  10. They had to match the price of the DeWalt organizer. Plus it has a very cheap looking clasp on one side that is plastic and it looks like it would break off.
  11. At the very least it will make you look at the posting.
  12. Nordraw

    Home Depot

    Never seen this at HD or anywhere else. Not that lucky I guess
  13. Is that the HF belt sander? I heard they make great knife sharpeners.
  14. Looks like the "lifetime" warranty just kicked in.
  15. 120? that is a steal. Nice pick up
  16. Looks like a pretty good vice at a decent price. I do have one of those HF vices that I got real cheap that has worked ok for the last couple of years of light use. I got it for 50 bucks and a similar one made by a better company was about 200.
  17. Nordraw

    Stuff going on

    Sorry to hear that Chris. We lost our dog almost 4 years ago and I cried for three days. So I know how it feels. Nothing quite like losing your dog. Are you getting another dog? We only lasted a week before we rescued another dog. Anyway, sorry to hear and I do understand how it feels.
  18. Nordraw


    That's definitely another way to go. Spending 80-100 dollars on a flashlight is a lot to be sure. I have a few of those Costco lights that are in a pack of 3 for 15-18 bucks. Not bad but they all run on AAA batteries and that means they don't last long. But yeah you don't have to worry about losing or breaking them. That is a good thing.
  19. You know the old saying, "it takes all kinds" "to each his own" "whatever floats your boat" and you could add about a hundred more here.
  20. Sounds like you are getting into the Christmas spirit Comp
  21. I say if they don't want you there don't go there and tell everyone you know not to go there too.
  22. That's is still a lot of money for a leaf blower it seems. Like to have it though.
  23. Nordraw


    Main difference is the EC4 is not a tactical light and the HL3 is. I will always go with the "flash and smash"
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