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Everything posted by RickyMcGrath

  1. Service Body trucks aren't for everyone in every trade. If you're making service calls all day, you'd go broke on fuel. But if you're a big carpenter, framer, roofer, electrician or plumber for big new res or commercial, this would be great.
  2. You wouldn't feel like a badass pulling to to a job in this? Lol.
  3. Stanley Battery Maintainer- 50% off. $10 Stanley Battery Charger -$31, MSRP $65 Dewalt 12V batteries are clearance Non Stock- $10 off, but ask department manager, can prob get down to around $30, $60MSRP. Bosch & Dremel multi tool blades are clearance-non stock too.
  4. I've thought about that too.... That just requires running a lead direct from the truck battery to the trailer battery with some type of disconnect at the rear of the truck. I like the idea, but don't. If I could see a rough diagram, that may cause me to lean on direction or the other.
  5. I'd prefer the truck to be black anyway. Black with yellow lettering would work.
  6. Now this is by far an electrical schematic, but it gets the idea across. I am working on a concept for wiring up my tool trailer and am wondering if this concept will work. After I drew this up, I realize, the battery maintainer should be connected on the other side of the switch. So the 110V should be direct to the switch, eliminating the junction. One thing I'm confused on is, how would I connect a solar panel to charge the battery? Would I need a second switch that connects the solar panel and the 110v line power to the battery maintainer?
  7. Now you guys all know that you'd sport this rig.
  8. Thank you. I'm gonna email a few sources and see what I can find. Preliminary searches have only found the two attachments on European sites. Even the U.S. Dewalt site doesn't show them but Dewalt.co.uk does.
  9. Seems like it takes a few hours to talley them up.
  10. I have the Cordless 20V XR Multi Tool. I'd like to add the depth stop and dust attachment.
  11. I recall seeing someone mention it on here, but it seems it's only available in the UK, correct?
  12. That's an awesome charger! I love mine. It NEVER leaves my truck.
  13. I was super stoked about it. As soon as it came out, I saw the reviews and held off. A few weeks later it was unavailable everywhere. I won a Dewalt hat when they were doing their facebook promo for a free scanner.
  14. I was JUST looking at that on Amazon. Both models have very very poor reviews. At least Dewalt pulls a product when it goes south. Just like the Radar Scanner. Pulled very quickly.
  15. Nothing.... http://www.dewalt.com/tool-categories/woodworking-sanders-belt-sanders.aspx
  16. RickyMcGrath


    DEWALT Hard cases. I'm looking for any and all DEWALT hard cases. I don't mind paying a few bucks and I'll cover shipping of course.
  17. http://festoolownersgroup.com/festool-tools-accessories/festool-dewalt-guide-rail-clamps/ Confirmation the Festool clamps work in a DEWALT track. http://festoolownersgroup.com/festool-tools-accessories/festool-dewalt-guide-rail-clamps/
  18. Read the reviews for the DEWALT track clamps.... A few users say they work with festool tracks and festool clamps work with DEWALT tracks. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/reviews/B001J31PJM/ref=?ie=UTF8&*Version*=1&*entries*=0
  19. So you're using the track more as a fence to guide a circular saw straight? With such short cuts, have you considered a Kreg saw guide or something? Or a block with large C clamps for additional clearance?
  20. I wonder if there's any benefits to going brushless in a corded tool? I'm thinking no as they haven't released one yet. But you'd think they'd last longer, more power and cooler temps.
  21. 6-8 weeks?!?! I was told you bring to to the tool center, they verify its broken and you get a new one off the shelf. Who can wait 6-8 weeks?
  22. Damn. That's a great deal! I'm becoming a huge fan of the dust extraction system. I'm slowly picking up all the accessories to fit my tools.
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