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Justin Hernandez

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Everything posted by Justin Hernandez

  1. More drills mean more screwing around
  2. I live in a Hurricane zone, the steel studs are 25 gauge and theres some steel posts and I beams that hold the second floor. We use wood truss for the roof and second floor the termites here are some of the worst in the country. So as little wood as possible the better, you'll be surprised how low the prices of the homes are here.
  3. That's interesting I always thought bigger battery more power, stupid physics
  4. How do you like the those Klein look alike screwdrivers??
  5. There coming out with tools so fast nowadays I'm afraid they might run out of ideas one day
  6. Most defiantly an electricians tool bag
  7. Welcome to the forum dude. These guys can find deals that are unheard of its crazy, hope you enjoy it here
  8. Very cool, sign shops have a very particular aroma to them
  9. No, we don't have stick houses here, we use cinder blocks for exterior walls and steel studs for interior there's little wood used in new construction here. The only time there 2x is when somebody is cheap and doesn't use steel or its an old house with 2x4 interior walls.
  10. For real, and he always blames the previous contractor when the homeowners are to blame by going with the lowest bid and hiring unlicensed people.
  11. Great job man, I wish decks were more popular around here I would build one in a heart beat.
  12. Its incredible that they can make 3-6 ah batteries the same size
  13. That's the life, no DeWalt beer for you?? lol
  14. Never heard of the the show I will look it up. Holmes is something else basically he walks in an old home and says nothing is up to code and knocks it all down. No kidding its an old house of course its not up to today's code.
  15. That would be cool, Google+ had a lot of problems in the beginning but they fixed everything now. I don't know what happened to today's video on YouTube I guess every rock star needs a break every now and then..lol
  16. Haha I agree you don't need speed settings its just more stuff to break
  17. Thanks man, yea I've seen him on here we need good electrician's in the trade I've seen some messed up stuff over the years. I hope he gets the position
  18. I wish you can mute the router and still be able to here everything else
  19. Ohh my I wish it was 77 degrees here its about 100 degrees here everyday this summer with 80 percent humidity it sucks. I work everyday in the sun fixing peoples ac this is the only time they break when it hot outside never when its a cool day :/ It hurts to blink my eyes the sunburn is so bad, I'm use to the heat but this summer is bad. I hear you on the beer!!
  20. I hope you didn't just jinx yourself..lol It sounds like you got some really good batteries.
  21. I agree with you on the bad tear out but I use them for electrical rough so no problem there
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