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Everything posted by 99_XC600

  1. 9:00 am - 6:00 PM (Mon - Fri) with an hour commute.
  2. Great work, I bet the guy that owns the simple brick ranch across the street loves his neighbor to the right. That house is huge in comparison, it makes the ranch looks like it's the servants quarters,
  3. Thanks Everyone, I'm pretty excited about it. I'll post an update once I receive the table.
  4. Nailed it! Yah, I said it.
  5. Looks great! Every mistake just adds character to the build and with the choice of materials it looks natural.
  6. Thanks - I could have used it for this project to use it as a cutting station.
  7. That just means it has double the holding power.
  8. Just wanted to give a huge thanks to Eric and Dan for selecting me as the winner for the Keter Work Table. It came as a huge surprise to me this morning when Eric had sent me a PM to let me know. Can't wait to get it and try it out! http://professional-power-tool-guide.com/2015/08/drum-roll-the-winner-of-the-keter-work-table-is/ Thanks TIA - Best Forum out there (Regardless of the great giveaways!)
  9. Finished the wall today and more than likely my Craftsman Skil Saw. Towards the end it was really struggling to make a full 2" cut in the 6x6. Time to go shopping...
  10. Finished off the wall today. I still need to put the cross beams on the deadmen though. The back filling will occur more than likely on Labor day weekend, Just need to line up a couple of resources and a couple of other things.
  11. Lost about 5 pounds in water weight with Day 2 of the retaining wall build. If anyone is wondering about the tank on the right hand side. It's an old galvanized water heater that someone filled with concrete (Previous Owner) and it weighs about 800 pounds. So it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
  12. I was thinking about an SDS hammer, but I didn't know if the input would fit over the diameter of the head. It's probably about 3/4" in diameter.
  13. I've been using these for building my retaining wall. I started off using a sledge hammer but that got tiresome. I then switched over to my 10" plate tamper to drive them in. About 3:00 this afternoon I was done. Has anyone ever used a palm nailer on something this big? The dimensions are 10" x 3/8" and I've been putting 5 in every 8' timber.
  14. Continued with the build today. Manged to do 3 courses before I ran out of material. I'll be heading out to the yard in the morning to pick up everything to finish it on Tuesday.
  15. Started the day with picking up the landscape timbers and crushed stone for the base. I then drove some stakes in the ground and marked everything off. Spent the morning digging the trench and getting everything level. Once that was done, I drilled the base for some 1/2" x 4' rebar to pin it to the ground. Filled the trench with crushed stone and the set the base level and flat (This was the biggest challenge). Managed to get all of the base in and most of the 1st course before my body gave out.
  16. Have a Lowes and a HD 5 min from my house. Lowes has a better lawn and garden section. That's about it.
  17. Thanks Mike! Can't wait to get started, I've already lined up a dump truck that I can borrow and my father is going to be bringing over his Ford Diesel tractor to help in spreading everything out. That should be fun!
  18. Up in the Northeast were famous for the "The Big Dig" a huge construction project that went over budget (190%) and over schedule (9 years) and a commuter death directly related to poor construction. My project is going to be called "The Big Fill" and hopefully I come in under budget, on time and nobody will perish during the process. A little about the project. The main portion of my lot is relatively narrow at 60' wide however it's very deep (250'). The lot has a very dramatic drop on the right hand side of the garage which is also the main backyard. The slope is approximately 24" over 36 feet. It also drops 12" from right to left. This area of the yard has always been a challenge due to the conditions. This is going to change, were filling it in. The project is going to be as follows. Phase 1 1. Removal of existing landscaping 2. Removal of existing 6' stockade PT fence 3. Removal of daughters playscape 3. Digging of trench 4. Construction of retaining wall and deadmen. 5. Backfilling of yard - calculations comes to 37 cubic yards. 6. 3" of top soil 7. Seeding Winter Break Let everything compact and settle Phase 2 - Spring 1. Installation of 6' Vinyl Privacy Fence - 130'. (This is going to be expensive) 2. Creation of fire pit and seating area in the middle of the yard. 3. New above ground pool - Jury is still out on this one. Today we started the demo, which was the most rewarding. Essentially get all of the site prep down so I can start on digging the trench for the base of the retaining wall. I'll be on vacation next week, so I'll be out there early in the morning doing some digging before it get's too hot. Pics from today.
  19. Coming soon to the dollar store and Secret Santas for 2015. They lost me when the woman said, "Actually it's pretty light" That just screams poor quality right there.
  20. Started a big project on the backyard today. The yard slopes down approximately 2' in a little over 28' on length. You can see the drop if you look at the foundation of the garage. Were going to be filling it in and leveling everything off. Ultimatley putting a new vinyl fence around the perimeter and a pool. Today we did a lot of destruction by removing a bunch of bushes along the old fence. Taking the fence down and then taking the playscape down and storing it behind the garage. Tools used. Jeep Liberty Bunch of Chains Shovel Loppers Impact gun Pry bar Dead Blow Hammer (BFH) 2 Place Snowmobile Trailer I'm beat and ready to go to bed. I'm on vacation next week and I'll be spending a couple of days building the retaining wall and then back filling everything in. Pic's of that to follow.
  21. Went over to my Dad's to get some chains since I'm getting ready to remove some dead bushes from the backyard and I ended helping him out doing some aluminum capping on a couple of exterior windows.
  22. Nice. I didn't realize that Toyota had dual throttle bodies on it's V6
  23. 99_XC600


    The answer is Caitlyn Jenner. The answer is just as flawed as the question
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