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Everything posted by CATERPILLAR

  1. Like it a lot she is quite a power horse lol around 2.5 HP gives ya a work out if your using it for long I also have two other makitas too . one 4 inch that I have had for 2 1/2 years and love very lightweight and versatile and a 5 inch that I have owned for about a year it has sjs and a eletric brake sjs is super joint system aka it has a spring behind the gear that is directly attached with a motor and moves if you put more pressure. My grandpa , uncle , father still have their 4 inch makitas I have cleaned and decreased and I really liked how they held up so I am on the teal train lol ps their grinders are about 25 years old maybe 30 still going strong
  2. Lol is amazing the extent people go to to save some cash or are on drugs
  3. Lol ?i do not know if I can teach some are just to far gone like the assitent teach in wood shop is just a dumb lol u ask him to do something he doesn't even do it or an hour later or u ask him a million times lol
  4. I found a deal 39.99 and free shipping on eBay
  5. Best bet is the buying the armture also for 58 or u could try eBay
  6. This lathe is getting sold in s couple days . I was looking behind it at the dust collection when this electrical box with bare wires touched one of the spindles and are I carefully grabbed the black insulated part so it wouldn't arc and asked the assistent teacher about the breaker panel if it had a shut off and he had no clue so I go over there with him he is clueless I text the woodshop teacher about the problem she was at a meeting on her way over he says oh its fine no one goes over there bullshit the Jiggs are over by it and u can just bump it and it could have done it . who knows how long it was like that what a half ass piece of shit would do a job like that at least put wire nuts on it and label it or disconnect it like it should be . so any way teacher comes we look at panel find one at get a board and bump it again and it doesn't do anything so yes . lol lots of dumbasses in this world ??
  7. I would like to get a brushless makita impact what would u recommend that doesn't eat a whole through my wallet. this is my current impact have had it about 2 1/2 years old and use it everyday
  8. Very nice whats your favorite
  9. I was wondering what everybody's favorite sawzall blade is mine is the Milwaukee Axe got them used a year ago with my Makita sawzall and they last . update sorry the website is being a piece of shit I had some pictures but it won't let me upload them
  10. Got done with this Milwaukee drill finished yesterday . total hours 5 hours . before and after pictures I got this drill for a buddy of mine for Christmas . pretty nice drill cleaned out the gear box. And regreased it , cleaned the handle and put a clear coat on it . model Milwaukee bf-312 heavy duty 1/2 drill I will probably paint the lightning bolts red again
  11. Lol probably you though dam isn't fun I won't get it in my hand again . I know that's what I though about fiber glass
  12. Party all night everyday lol ??
  13. Yes have had both fiberglass u can never get it out it sucks so does metal shavings
  14. Lol let's say the wire wheel has attacked my hand a few to many times and have gotten little wires in my feet and arms lol
  15. Wait a tent I am not seeing one could someone point it out
  16. No its a web site that sells metabo abrasives and a couple others
  17. glue it back together and u are good to go .
  18. That's what I was wondering lol
  19. Yes I hate trying to figure out where the wires go. Now I take a picture of the wiring so now its a easy to put back together
  20. That would be pretty interesting ??
  21. Damn man very nice tool are you going to clean her up . back when black and decker was built to last
  22. Just like u said put a glove on ?
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