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Everything posted by KC_Tool

  1. We need to get you some more hand tools. I have your fix.
  2. I kinda wondered about that exact thing. It isn't an insane assortment but why not the PH3...?
  3. Felo bits still made in Germany. A lot of German companies can't say that anymore.
  4. I enjoyed it too. I remember being super bummed they didn't get a big name for Wolverine 17 years ago. Boy was I stupid.
  5. My X-men power is sniffing out cool tools.
  6. Good question. In this day and age of product placement, I would have thought so. However, I did notice there wasn't a logo on the driver. Maybe wiha didn't want to pay? Dunno...
  7. Anyone seen this movie yet? I saw it last night and swear that Donald Pierce fixes his arm with a Wiha precision driver. Can anyone help me confirm? https://germantoolblog.com/2017/03/14/wiha-cameo-in-logan/
  8. Welcome to crew, brother. Im very jealous of your occupation. Ever since I saw Smokey and the Bandit I wanted to be Jerry Reed driving a big rig.
  9. KC_Tool


    No bueno. Mind if I ask what you paid for shipping? Just curious. Trying to think how we would ship something like that, maybe LTL?
  10. It really is our/my pleasure. I love tools. I love talking to people who love tools and want to talk tools. Treating people the way I want people to treat my wife is how I live and do business everyday. Thanks for the love. We love TIA too!
  11. Dude...Thanks for the legwork digging that up. Saved me hours of work. Ill still look into it but with your info in my mind. Thanks brother!
  12. Welcome to the forum!
  13. Feel free to backorder it. It will put you first in the queue for it.
  14. Oh yeah we got it. https://www.kctoolco.com/search.php?search_query=redbull
  15. Yeah to be honest I think the weird assortment is why its such a good deal. They wanted us to clear their warehouse in Germany of 5000 of them but with such a weird assortment...no can do.
  16. Adam is awesome but he says "knipex" weird at 3:22 of that video.
  17. This is a little overboard, but whatever floats your boat. http://toolrebels.de/en/project/meet-laura-price-tool-rebel/
  18. FYI We are offering free t-shirts on orders over $100. While supplies last...
  19. Custom stickers maybe? http://yourlogo.toolrebels.de/en/
  20. Ill be tuning (antiquated term) in.
  21. We are at something of an impasse. Price to play is pretty high currently. They don't dabble on this side of the pond much. Doesnt seem like they are eager to jump in...sometimes people stay with what they know...can't blame them.
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