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Posts posted by wayneburgess

  1. I have spoken to friends in the tool sales trade and now have a better understanding of some of the issues Eco is hinting at.

    As you can imagine he is avoiding names of manufacturers as this opens a whole can of worms, but my spies tell me there are two manufacturers who knew they had sailed too close to the edge of the battery envelope and so have a policy of just keep quiet and replace the batteries with no quibble.

    Although this seems like great after sales service what it actually means is oh shit boys we made a boo boo. LOL

  2. I looked up the cells for several manufacturers batteries and they do not seem to be as quoted in some of these pages.

    I am going to e-mail Milwaukee and Dewalt and others and see if i can get the exact cells they use so we can find out what is what.

    I think it would be financial suicide for a company to give long warranty cover to a battery with such short term life cells given the amps needed to drive some of the tools out there.

  3. This seems to be a list of cells on a web site that are a near as damn it comparison but not the exact batteries used by a list of manufacturers.

    I would be very interested to get the actual exact cell spec from several manufacturers and see how they compare.

  4. I need to clear something up here about supposed HOT cell batteries.

    This is a bit of a none starter because most of the batteries that were manufactured this way are now old tech and are two series ago.

    The latest generation of lithium ion batteries do take longer for ions to return to towards the negative electrode during charging and require much more sophisticated monitoring during both discharge and recharge.

  5. Bosch have always produced quality tools, trusted by vast numbers of users throughout the world especially Europe as real world tough, and developed through many years of interaction with end users and testers/reviewers to ensure the tool matches the application.

    But have the blue giants of European tool manufacture got out of bed late this year?

    Recent steps forward have seen the brush-less motor incorporated into the Milwaukee Fuel, the 4ah battery brought to market by Metabo and Dewalt who have been quick to follow suit and now they not only have brush-less technology but also the 4ah battery.

    Does this mean Milwaukee will soon be bringing out they're own 4ah battery very soon? ( we think so ).

    Meanwhile Bosch have been busy producing new tools with very interesting innovations in laser levels, multi tools, upgraded rotary hammer drills and wood working tools designed to produce stunning results.

    Developments in blade and drill longevity mean they now produce a range that last significantly longer than earlier products and most can be used in other manufacturers tools.

    But I ask again, have Bosch pressed the snooze button on the alarm clock and missed the bus with battery development?

    It remains to be seen if the German Giants have been busy behind the scenes developing something special to improve the runtime of they're battery platforms.

    but be sure Tools In Action will be watching Bosch,and our reporters will be letting our readers know the second we hear of anything. :)

  6. I just think there comes a point where you have to say hang on a minute here how stupid do they think we all are?

    I don't have a problem with safety I have a problem with the illusion of safety which makes the truly stupid amongst us think that injury is impossible.

    This is creating an army of fools who are incapable of seeing danger for themselves.Lets face it the lunatic who thought the cruise control would drive the camper while hey nipped in the back to make coffee may be an extreme example of this but you get where i am going with this.

  7. Here comes Wayney with the boring science bit.LOL

    All battery packs are designed for the specific use a manufacturer has for them.

    Altering the use will also alter the discharge rate, the amp loading across the cells above and beyond a certain number of amps will guarantee to discharge those cells unevenly this will do unrepairable damage to them no matter what the chemical make up of the cells.

    Manufacturers spend millions and years of research to ensure batteries not only charge evenly but also discharge evenly.

    Any attempt to simply run a few wires and group them to power larger tools will sooner or later end in expensive failure of the cells.

    Makita makes a system where two 18v batteries can be used to power a larger tool but this system has circuitry that prevents the battery packs from suffering this kind of failure.

    I hope this is of use and I urge a large portion of caution.

  8. Most guards are a good thing.

    I was thinking more about another conversation where certain tools such as the flip over saw are not available in The U.S because the powers that be,consider them too much of a danger.

    Yet each function has the exact same guards as tools already are already available.

    I find this is insane and if I were a U.S citizen i would be very angry.

  9. In our constant efforts to bring Tools In Action readers the latest information and tips, enter code Wayne06 at Toolstop.co.uk to get a 6% discount on your purchases.

    Tools in action saving you money as well as testing tools on your behalf so you get the truth on what tools are worth your hard earned cash. :D

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  10. I do not think it is just American spirit, I think it is just spirit LOL.

    I draw the line quite firmly where I consider that anyone with even the slightest ounce of common sense would be able to work effectively without injury, and anything above that and the people who do manage to hurt themselves should be in the care of others and not allowed near sharp things. :)

  11. I know this is an older topic but for what it is worth, anyone going into a trade should think quality quality quality all the way with power tools.

    I know times are tough at the moment and your dollar,pound Euro or other currency does not go far anymore, but buying the very best quality you can afford is a good idea.

    I would also recommend the home owner to do the same.

    Many folks steer away from professional tools, with the excuse that they won't get the use out of them, but this is horse poop.A quality tool will last longer, do the job better, have the protection and torque to stop someone new to using power tools from hurting the tool, and in some cases from hurting themselves as well.

    But always bear in mind that the drill bit, blade e.t.c needs to be quality to,.NEVER buy crap drill bits or blades and NEVER carry on using a dull blade or drill bit, this will only damage the tool and make you turn out a poor standard job.

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  12. This might be out there,and a bit radical, but pain and suffering were mother natures way of saying DON'T DO THAT AGAIN and the harder we try beyond a reasonable point to make the world (and power tools and work sites in particular) safer, then the MORE people will get hurt.

    This is not Moderator Wayne going srark raving mad,this is me making the case for COMMON SENSE.

    Years ago our young folks would be grazing knees, breaking bones and generally enjoying being an absolute lunatic IT WAS KNOWN AS CHILDHOOD.This taught us what hurt and what didn't, that no you do not become Batman by just watching Batman on t.v and that adverts on t.v were a pain in the arse.LOL.

    But since the world went mad and it became possible for someone to claim a fortune from being a complete moron and since children now play sports and find all pleasure and adventure sat in front of a computer,then we now have a situation where a growing number of the worlds window lickers are finding themselves on job sites.This means the rest of the sane, intelligent, CAN find own backside without a map or a pack of hounds types, get insulted, patronised and generally very angry at the ridiculous lengths we have to go to to keep the afore mentioned endangered, shallow end of the gene pool members of the I'M TOO STUPID TO LIVE CLUB alive and maybe not kicking because they may stub a toe. LOL but around long enough to find they can't do the job anyway and then spend a fortune on lawyers and several months trying to get rid of them and wishing we still had a moat, a draw bridge and could pour boiling oil on them from the ramparts.

    If you too think mother nature knows best and natural selection dictates we should let morons hurt themselves for the greater good of mankind then like this. LOL. :D

    And remember folks a good laugh makes it worth chewing through the restraints in a morning. :D

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