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What Would You Do?


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LOL, that's something Mrs. Conductor would do. 


True story:


Mrs. Conductor was shopping one day back when we first got married. It's a beautiful early September day. Clear skies, fairly sunny, 65ish degrees. I'm at work sitting on the back of a caboose in a t-shirt when my phone rings...


Mrs. Conductor: Hey, how's work going

Me: Pretty good trip lined up. Should be back in town by midnight or so. What are you doing?

 Mrs. Conductor: On my way home from Wal-Mart.

Me: What all did you ( Mrs. Conductor interrupts)

Mrs. Conductor: You aren't going to believe this!

Me: What happened???

Mrs. Conductor: It's snowing in Nitro! 

Me: You're out of your damn mind!

Mrs. Conductor: So help me God! I'm getting off the Nitro exit and it's snowing!

Me: It's 65 degrees Einstein, it's not snowing! 

Mrs. Conductor: Ohh....I guess you're right, it's some kind of........oh, now I feel stupid.

Me: What is it?

Mrs. Conductor: .......I'm following a chicken truck




Since then, any time she says something stupid, all I have to say is chicken truck and she shuts up ?



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That wasn't an isolated incident either. She accompanied me to Memphis a few years ago. We spent at least 2 weeks before the trip researching the area, seeing what there was to do, looking at different routes, etc, etc. 


We're a good way there, just north of Nashville and I said "We can take a few minutes on afternoon and drive over into Arkansas. We've never been there and probably won't ever have a reason to"

She says "Can we take an afternoon and drive over to Tennessee? I've always wanted to go to Tennessee"


I looked at her like she was stupid for 3 reasons. A: We were in the middle of Tennessee, B: We were spending 5 days in Memphis, and C: She'd been to Tennessee before. 


After a a moment of confusion at my reaction she says "Oh...........Memphis is in Tennessee isn't it?"


Thats my wife. Heart of gold, couldn't ask for a better wife and mother, but it's a good thing I didn't marry her for her brains

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4 hours ago, Conductor562 said:

That wasn't an isolated incident either. She accompanied me to Memphis a few years ago. We spent at least 2 weeks before the trip researching the area, seeing what there was to do, looking at different routes, etc, etc. 


We're a good way there, just north of Nashville and I said "We can take a few minutes on afternoon and drive over into Arkansas. We've never been there and probably won't ever have a reason to"

She says "Can we take an afternoon and drive over to Tennessee? I've always wanted to go to Tennessee"


I looked at her like she was stupid for 3 reasons. A: We were in the middle of Tennessee, B: We were spending 5 days in Memphis, and C: She'd been to Tennessee before. 


After a a moment of confusion at my reaction she says "Oh...........Memphis is in Tennessee isn't it?"


Thats my wife. Heart of gold, couldn't ask for a better wife and mother, but it's a good thing I didn't marry her for her brains

They are special .... aren't they ....

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8 hours ago, Conductor562 said:

That wasn't an isolated incident either. She accompanied me to Memphis a few years ago. We spent at least 2 weeks before the trip researching the area, seeing what there was to do, looking at different routes, etc, etc. 


We're a good way there, just north of Nashville and I said "We can take a few minutes on afternoon and drive over into Arkansas. We've never been there and probably won't ever have a reason to"

She says "Can we take an afternoon and drive over to Tennessee? I've always wanted to go to Tennessee"


I looked at her like she was stupid for 3 reasons. A: We were in the middle of Tennessee, B: We were spending 5 days in Memphis, and C: She'd been to Tennessee before. 


After a a moment of confusion at my reaction she says "Oh...........Memphis is in Tennessee isn't it?"


Thats my wife. Heart of gold, couldn't ask for a better wife and mother, but it's a good thing I didn't marry her for her brains


Besides the obvious aesthetic reasons, this is my favorite thing about women. They make me laugh because they're soo goofy and/or awkward. I think it's hilarious when they say something then drop their head and laugh at themselves when they figure out what they said.

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9 hours ago, Conductor562 said:

That wasn't an isolated incident either. She accompanied me to Memphis a few years ago. We spent at least 2 weeks before the trip researching the area, seeing what there was to do, looking at different routes, etc, etc. 


We're a good way there, just north of Nashville and I said "We can take a few minutes on afternoon and drive over into Arkansas. We've never been there and probably won't ever have a reason to"

She says "Can we take an afternoon and drive over to Tennessee? I've always wanted to go to Tennessee"


I looked at her like she was stupid for 3 reasons. A: We were in the middle of Tennessee, B: We were spending 5 days in Memphis, and C: She'd been to Tennessee before. 


After a a moment of confusion at my reaction she says "Oh...........Memphis is in Tennessee isn't it?"


Thats my wife. Heart of gold, couldn't ask for a better wife and mother, but it's a good thing I didn't marry her for her brains

haha ya been there ....we were removing a sauna in the basement at my brother 's house we were over to see the progress, as we were all standing in the empty area where the sauna was my wife asked where is the stove? my brother's wife pipes up and says " didn't you see it in the kitchen silly?" 

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11 hours ago, Jronman said:

If I cleaned the wrong car I wouldn't care. Helping others is in my blood. 

Except now your hands are freezing, your nose is running, you're late for your first day at a big new job, you scratched up a nice briefcase getting the ice off, snow fell in your shoes and melted to soak your feet, .... Etc, time to move to Florida lol

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