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Great deal at local Lowe's stores on 20v


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Well I sure am glad that I didn't spring for any of the 20v max stuff when I first saw it in stores about a month ago.  Today I went in and there were signs on the 20v max display that read if you bought certain kits that you got a free extra battery or light with the kit.  The deal was on the 3.0 hammerdrill/drill/driver and impact kit, either the LED light (49 bucks) or an extra 3.0 a/h battery (100 bucks) for free.  I think it's an absolute no-brainer to get the battery over the light.  The other deal was on the 1.5 drill/driver and impact kit, free light or 1.5 battery (80 bucks).  This is also a no brainer.  It took the free battery/light offer for me to fully commit to buying my 12v max stuff (chose battery, duh!) and this is the deal that will make me buy the 20v max stuff.

This was seen in a Lowe's in Indy.

Also, if you've got a Lowe's card within the last several months they've got a new deal where anytime you use your card you get 5% off your purchase.  That's coupled with the free light or battery that's the way to go, IMO.

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I just picked up a kit at Lowe's this weekend.

I just saw the Amazon deal after reading your post.....and it's even cheaper than Lowe's.  Looks like 319 vs 349 + tax at Lowe's.  The one I bought I ended up paying 354.xx after 5% off using Lowe's card and then paying tax. 

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I returned my kit to Lowe's.  Re-purchased on Amazon.  319 bucks vs 355.  35 dollars saved is worth it to me!!  The nice thing was that it came to my house the day after they shipped it.  Amazon has a warehouse in Plainfield, Indiana which is about 25 minutes from my house.

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