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Stupid Geese!!!


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So, I'm busy as heck at one of my plants this past Friday. I just get done welding up a part for one of the conveyors and I here a large pop like a stick of dynamite or some thing. At the same time the power goes out. I figure a trans former blew.

Out the shop I go to check the pole mounted transformers and they are ok. I walk out to our drive and a couple of poles down I see to fuses hanging on the main feed coming in from the power provider. That would indicate a phase to phase short, not good. I then notice a goose dead on the side of the drive.

Under closer examination this SOB must have flew into the lines and shorted the two phases. It was kind of blown apart and had some burnt feathers.

Luckily I found the culprit because if I hadn't Com Ed would of had to send a transformer crew out to fully test the transformers before reconnecting power and that would of had the plant down till Monday.

Had the power back up in two hours though and we didn't lose too much production time.

I'll try and post some picks. Never tried before........

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When we have to work on rooftop exhaust fans or HVAC units is a joke because of all the shit, it's everywhere. DNC came through a few years ago just to let us know what would happen if anybody messed with (big $$$$$ fines). Had one sneak up behind me last year while I was working on a door and bite me in the ass.

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